What future do we have?

by time news

2023-05-14 10:00:01

In 1887 the electrical advance in Buenos Aires began to be unstoppable, when the engineer Rufino Varela made the first stable lighting installation. A first contract was signed with the Municipality for the placement of 28 electric lights in Parque 3 de Febrero. Over the years several companies that were dedicated to the manufacture of candles and kerosene lamps closed their doors. The stall selling supplies for candle lighting disappeared. The lamplighters and the gentlemen who sang the time loudly through the streets in the dark also disappeared. It’s not that these jobs don’t exist anymore. At EPSE there are about 4 engineers (on rotating shifts) checking that the city lights come on on time and in the right way (plus a crane patrol to change dysfunctional parts). The street vendors selling candles and kerosene no longer exist, but the electricity bill keeps coming home and someone or something prints them. Jobs did not disappear; they became more technical; they became scarcer perhaps; They became more sophisticated, but they did not disappear. For 100 jobs that were lost with some type of human development, thousands of others appeared. Cable factories, transformers, plastics, ignition keys, appliance repair shops, appliance sales stalls, winders, copper mining, oil, light bulbs, meters, etc. There is no need to fear freedom. But it is that the spotlights catapulted the theaters with their canopies, making the night an explosion of shows, color and joy. The spotlights made movies, bowling alleys and rock and roll possible; It is little paper to tell so many stories. Artificial intelligences (AI) have not come to take jobs away from anyone… they are here to make tedious and enslaving jobs disappear (which, as developed above, will not disappear entirely). But this will take a while, it won’t be suddenly. There will also be sad and heartbreaking stories, but the bulk of the workforce, performing the tasks that AI can replace, will be safe.

You have to understand one thing that is fundamental… AIs must be trained. Someone has to teach them to diagnose a cold, to look for “the data”, in the sea of ​​data, of jurisprudence… “SOMEONE” must stay to supervise that the answers are correct. This is not going to be easy!!! Someone could for fun train an AI to lie or deceive and who knows for how many other things… some others will have to train other AI to counteract the first one… this can be more fun than scary. These machines will be able to help manage the resources of a region in the most efficient and competent way, their most reasonable distribution and with the least possible effort. Can you imagine the number of hours that will be free doing this more or less well; without the heavy burden of human error? The AI ​​has come for the positions of manager and / or executive directors since the complex tasks in the production lines have been taken since the 90s (of the last century). “Algorithmic Trading” and “deep learning” machines have been operating on the Wall Street Stock Exchange for years. The worker and the seller have already been replaced and it is time to take charge of the manager, transportation and professionals.

The singularity is the historical moment, in which a machine designs and manufactures another, better and more efficient without human intervention or understanding. This is expected to happen between the 2050s and 2070s. This fact may seem scary. Well, the power of evolution is given to an organism, of which we are not a part. We are terrified of giving freedom to “something else” that we ourselves do not possess. In the end everything ends in the same trap of “freedom”.


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