What happened in Puebla? Tepeaca police rescued 2 alleged extortionists and residents burned a patrol car

by times news cr

¿What happened in Puebla? The afternoon of Thursday, September 5 Tepeaca police rescued 2 alleged extortionists who were detained and beaten by residents of the district.

According to local media reports, the events were recorded in the auxiliary board of Saint Hippolytus Xochiltenangoin the municipality of Tepeacain the state of Puebla.

Similarly, the data on the events indicate that residents of the community They detained and beat to 2 men who were accused of being alleged extortionists.

However, the 2 subjects They were rescued by municipal policewhich caused the annoyance of the inhabitants that by reacting violently they ended up burn a patrol car.

Tepeaca police rescued 2 alleged extortionists

On the afternoon of Thursday, September 5, a confrontation was recorded between Tepeaca police and residents of the same municipality of Puebla which derived from a attempted lynching which was avoided.

In this regard, the information establishes that residents of San Hipólito Xochiltenango, They detained a couple of men because they were accused of being Alleged extortionists of merchants.

Versions indicate that the subjects were leaving papers with which they demanded payments in exchange for security, so residents mobilized to detain them, beat them and try to lynch them.

Upon learning what was happening, Tepaca police They launched a special operation in which elements of other security organizations participated.

Once they reached the site where the attempted lynching was taking place, the uniformed officers deployed to prevent it and minutes later They managed to rescue and arrest to the 2 men.

Tepeaca residents blocked highway after rescue of alleged extortionists

Although during the deployment they managed to rescue the 2 alleged extortionists, the Tepeaca police They clashed with the inhabitants, leaving a balance of a couple of injured elements.

During the confrontation, the residents of the auxiliary council of San Hipólito Xochiltenango also They vandalized and burned a patrol car who moved to the place to support the actions.

However, the Tepeaca police accomplished their mission and managed to put to safety of the attempted lynching of the 2 men whose identity is unknown but already were sheltered.

In response to the police action, the group of residents who participated in the confrontation and in the detention of the alleged extortionists, They closed the Puebla-Tehuacán Federal Highway.

During the protest that has already been withdrawn, the neighbors They blocked the passage of vehicleswhich is why they were generated severe traffic problems which lasted for several hours.

2024-09-06 04:30:26

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