What happened to Salvador Rangel? The bishop of Chilpancingo did not disappear, he was a victim of this cruel crime

by times news cr

2024-05-01 10:49:44

¿What happened to Salvador Rangel? He obispo emeritus of the diocese of Chilpancingoin the state of Guerrero, was located after reported as missing.

This Monday, April 29, it was presented a complaint before the authorities of the state of Morelos for the disappearance of bishop emeritus of ChilpancingoSalvador Rangel Mendoza.

In the complaint, it was alleged that the cleric disappeared on Saturday April 27after he left his home in Jiutepec, Morelosto go to the municipality of Chilpancingo.

A few hours after the Catholic authorities themselves assured that he disappeared, the CEM released a statement in which it reported that the bishop has already been located.

However, preliminary investigations into the events indicate that Salvador Rangel actually did not disappearbut was the victim of a cruel crime.

It should be noted that during recent years, the bishop emeritus of the diocese of Chilpancingo, was in charge of various actions of pacification in the state of Guerrero.

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In particular, Salvador Rangel Mendoza offered as a mediator among the criminal groups known as “Los Ardillos” and “Los Tlacos”which operate in the entity.

Salvador Rangel Mendoza, bishop emeritus of the Diocese of Chilpancingo-Chilapa. (Especial)

They investigate the case of express kidnapping against Salvador Rangel for the theft of his cards

A couple of hours after he confirmed that the Bishop of Chilpancingo, Salvador Rangelwas locatedthe prosecutor of Morelos Uriel Carmona offered some details of the case.

This is because the state official indicated that He was already able to meet with the prelate who he stated is stable but must continue under observation.

Regarding the investigations, Uriel Carmona pointed out that the possibility that Salvador Rangel Mendoza may have been the victim of a case of express kidnapping.

And the prosecutor highlighted that this line of research because it was detected that they would have robbed him some amounts of money through ATM withdrawals automatic.

Following this narrative, Uriel Carmona said that the Illegal deprivation of freedom of the victim lasted for 48 hoursduring which time the money was stolen from their cards.

In addition to the above, the Morelos prosecutor pointed out that once he was released by his captors, the bishop emeritus arrived at the hospital on his own.

On the other hand, ruled out that there are elements that indicate that the alleged express kidnapping was committed by the pacification actions which he does in Guerrero.

Salvador Rangel’s lawyer explains what happened to the bishop of Chilpancingo; he was the victim of a cruel crime

Due to the case of disappearance of the bishop emeritus of the diocese of Chilpancingo, Salvador Rangel Mendozahis lawyer Pedro Martínez, explained what happened.

In accordance with what was stated by the Morelos prosecutor, who said that a possible express kidnappingthe lawyer pointed out that everything indicates that this is the case.

Outlining a timeline of the events, the lawyer revealed that the victim left his home in Jiutepec, without taking I get his 2 cellphones.

Under this context, Pedro Martínez stated that it is not ruled out that those responsible for the express kidnapping placed Salvador Rangel as a persona vulnerable.

It should be noted that it was previously reported that the last verifiable point in which the bishop of Chilpancingo was located, was in a Pizza shop from the Tres de Mayo neighborhood.

In this regard, the lawyer found it unlikely to establish a location of the prelate, as he remembered that he left his house without carrying any of his phones.

However, when returning to the reports on card theft of the victim, the lawyer pointed out that this could be the element that was used to define a last location.

In that order of ideas, he ruled out that the bishop went to the business to make purchases, but instead said, that would have been committed by those responsible for the express kidnapping.

In other words, due to the succession of events, those responsible for the alleged express kidnapping would have made purchases in that establishment with the victim cards.

Salvador Rangel, bishop of Chilpancingo, would have been the victim of an express kidnapping

Once confirmed location with life of Salvador Rangel, bishop of Chilpancingothe prosecutor of Morelos, Uriel Carmona He advanced some details of the case.

Approached by reporters, Uriel Carmona corroborated, even by showing a photograph, that the prelate is hospitalized at the Doctor José G. Parrés General Hospital.

The prosecutor indicated that people from the CEM are already meeting with the bishop, while the authorities are waiting for the corroboration of your health status.

When advancing part of the investigations regarding the disappearance of Salvador Rangel, the state official said that apparently It was a case of express kidnapping.

However, Uriel Carmona said that they will wait for the instructions of the medical personnel who care for the bishop, to proceed with the respective taking statements.

CEM reports that Bishop Salvador Rangel has already been located

A couple of hours after the confirmation of the disappearance of the obispo emeritus of the diocese of Chilpancingo, Salvador Rangelthe CEM reported that the prelate was already located.

In a new statement shared on social networks, the Conference of the Mexican Episcopate highlighted that Salvador Rangel Mendoza was already located alive.

However, in the statement, the Catholic Church organization stated that the bishop emeritus is in the hospital General Doctor José G. Parrés, in Morelos.

Al omit details about the reasons for which the cleric is in the hospital, the CEM extended its gratitude to the authorities who carried out the search.

Finally, he explained that once more information is available about the health status and circumstances of the location of Salvador Rangel, will be announced.

Guerrero authorities deploy operation to search for Salvador Rangel

After it was confirmed disappearance of the bishop emeritus of the diocese of Chilpancingo, Salvador Rangelauthorities of Guerrero They reported that they are looking for him.

Through a statement he released on his social networks, the State Goverment He stressed that he offered his collaboration to the Morelos prosecutor’s office to locate the prelate.

Regarding this, the state government indicated that it remains attentive total “disposition of any request or collaboration requirement for the location of the Bishop.”

By insisting on his openness in the work, he highlighted that the Department of Public Security (SSP) of the State Government has already launched a search operation.

Regarding the special deployment to find the whereabouts of Salvador Rangel, he explained that it is carried out in the municipalities of the state they are adjacent to Morelos.

CEM confirms disappearance of Salvador Rangel, bishop emeritus of Chilpancingo; authorities are already investigating

He bishop emeritus of the diocese of Chilpancingo, Salvador Rangelwho has made pacification work among criminal groups, disappeared since April 27.

In this regard, it is indicated that Salvador Rangel Mendoza left his home in Jiutepec, Morelos, heading to Chilpancingo, but around 6 p.m. contact was lost with the.

Given what happened, a group of priests went before the State Attorney General’s Office (FGE) of MorelosTo present the complaint for the disappearance of the bishop emeritus.

Regarding the disappearance of the prelate, the Conference of the Mexican Episcopate (CEM) issued a statement through which confirmed and regret the facts.

In the statement, the CEM highlighted that the FGE of Morelos has already begun the respective research portfolio so that all the corresponding procedures are carried out.

Versions indicate that upon becoming aware of the facts, the Morelos prosecutor’s office established contact immediately with the Guerrero prosecutor’s office to deploy joint actions.

Authorities do not rule out any line of investigation; The reason for Salvador Rangel’s trip to Chilpancingo is unknown

Around the disappearance of the bishop emeritus of Chilpancingo, Salvador Rangelreports indicate that the authorities they do not rule out none line of research.

In that sense, versions that have emerged establish that the prosecutors of Morelos and Guerrero They do not rule out that the disappearance is related to the labors of the clergyman.

In particular for the mediation work between the criminal groups of “Los Ardillos” and “Los Tlacos” that the bishop emeritus has performed in recent years.

For the same reason, authorities are investigating the possibility that a third criminal group is involved in the disappearance that occurred since April 27.

The above is because it is public knowledge that the prelate has been victim of threats during the pacification work that he has been in charge of carrying out.

Regarding the case, the priests who filed the complaint declared to the media that They don’t know what the reason was of Salvador Rangel’s trip to Chilpancingo.

Bishop Emeritus of the Diocese of Chilpancingo-Chilapa, Salvador Rangel

Bishop Emeritus of the Diocese of Chilpancingo-Chilapa, Salvador Rangel (darkroom)

2024-05-01 10:49:44

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