What happens if I drink water after a scare?

by time news

2023-04-20 19:44:25

Everyone at some point in life has suffered a very strong scare, either due to bad news, natural phenomena, etc. and it is well known that people who try to help you tell you that you should not drink water but really?What happens if I drink water after a scare?

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Why shouldn’t you drink water after a scare?

Although many people say that drink water after a scare it is harmful because it causes diabetes, the truth is that according to the Mayo Clinic, diabetes is caused by various factors such as genetics, hormonal problems, lifestyle and diet.

In none of these cases does it refer to drink water after a scare be a risk factor for developing diabetes because diabetes does not appear suddenly and much less after a very strong alteration.

In addition, the water does not contain sugars or fats or any element that can further alter the state of the frightened person, on the contrary.

The sensation of freshness that the water provides can be beneficial for the affected person to interrupt their thoughts and emotions of fear and begin to gradually calm down.

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What to do after a very strong scare?

It is advisable to try to do deep breathing exercises that make your body and thoughts focus on controlling the altered sensations in your body and stop thinking about the problem or event that triggered the shock.

In fact, it is also advisable to drink a little water at room temperature and keep it in your mouth for a while trying to focus on the sensation of liquid running through your mouth and teeth.

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What happens to your body after a scare?

Among the symptoms that happen to the body during and after a fright are the acceleration of the pulse and breathing, erection of body hair (when the skin stands on end), sweating, tremors in the extremities and areas such as the lips.

Usually when the body feels in danger, it releases substances such as endorphins that are natural painkillers so that pain does not invade your body in a dangerous situation. The same goes for the adrenaline that is secreted to sharpen the senses and allow you to escape from a situation as quickly as possible.

In fact, according to a study that talks about the science of fear, people who go through a very strong scare activate the survival mechanism in their body that has effects such as:

  • Pupil dilation for better motion detection
  • Veins contract to prevent you from bleeding to death in the event of an injury
  • Glucose is released to function as a reserve fuel for energy (this is not a cause of diabetes)
  • The acceleration in breathing guarantees that oxygen reaches the body correctly
  • In some cases, the contents of the stomach, bladder and intestine can be emptied to lighten the weight of the body in case of having to run
  • The skin stands on end to be more alert about the dangers around

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Once the danger has passed, you may feel a sensation of lethargy, numbness and tiredness because the body’s levels are returning to normal. It is normal for you to feel pain until now due to the wounds or blows that you probably suffered from the situation that triggered it. the strong fright

There may be a feeling of weakness that is recovered by eating, resting, and moving away from danger.

now that you know what happens if i drink water after a scare, you can rest easy to drink water without fear. In any case, if you have any complications before or after the very strong scare, it is advisable to go immediately for a medical check-up to rule out immediate or future serious conditions.

If you need some tips to control anxiety, we recommend you watch this video.

#drink #water #scare

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1 comment

Survival Plan April 28, 2023 - 3:20 pm

This article provides valuable information on the myths and facts about drinking water after a scare. It is good to know that drinking water after a scare is not harmful and can actually help calm down the affected person. The article outlines several other helpful tips to deal with the aftermath of a fright.
Joseph Wilson


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