What happens if I take coconut oil every morning?

by time news

In recent years, the popularity of coconut oil has been growing, which is why its consumption has increased at the same time that research on its properties has grown. Today we talk to you about What happens if you drink coconut oil every morning?

What happens if I drink coconut oil every morning?/ Photo: iStock

What benefits does coconut oil have and what is it for?

According to the National Library of Medicine of the United States, the benefits of coconut oil are related to skin care, for example, it has been shown to help in cases of atopic dermatitis in children.

In addition, it has also shown improvements in the skin of premature babies because it improves body temperature, breathing, skin health, and the general growth of the newborn.

A study from the Lasallista University of Colombia mentioned that the supposed benefits of coconut oil are thanks to its composition, since coconut oil has 45% lauric acid, a fatty acid to which health benefits are attributed.

The benefits that lauric acid supposedly has are the strengthening of the immune system and the inhibition of bacteria or microorganisms that damage the body. However, the same Colombian researchers determined that there is still not enough scientific evidence to support the “benefits” of natural or virgin coconut oil.

When talking about “virgin” coconut oil, they mean that it has not been bleached, deodorized or refined, however there are no parameters that define whether virgin coconut oil is better than the original.

What happens if I take a tablespoon of coconut oil daily?

The National Library of Medicine of the United States points out that there does not seem to be any danger in consuming coconut oil daily if it is in a short term, for example, taking 10ml doses two to three times a day for a maximum of 12 weeks does not represent a problem.

When coconut oil is used cutaneously (on the skin) there is no contraindication unless an allergy is present. Coconut oil is generally used to moisturize and hydrate the skin, particularly the driest areas.

What happens if I take coconut oil every morning? / Photo: iStock

Who should not take coconut oil?

Due to a lack of information on its effects, it is not recommended that children take coconut oil, because although this oil has benefits for moisturizing the skin, there is no proven benefit when taken orally by children.

Continuing with the information about the what happens if i drink coconut oil every morningthis oil has not been proven to have benefits in pregnant and lactating women either, so it is recommended to moderate its use and not use it as an alternative medicine.

On the other hand, since coconut oil is a saturated fat, it is also not recommended for people with high cholesterol to consume it consistently.

Despite the contraindications, this oil is safe if consumed in moderation, since in some foods it even enhances and accompanies their flavors well, so it is not a poison for the body.

However, experts warn that there is a risk of using coconut oil indiscriminately, especially for the circulatory system, so before trying a diet that contains high amounts of this food, it is best to go to a nutritional and professional review to find out. what happens if i drink coconut oil every morning.

If you are thinking of trying to cook with some type of oil, we share 5 tips to choose the ideal oil for your family:

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