What happens if you remain unconscious for a long time

by time news

receive a blow to the head you can leave us unconscious; that is why it is important to avoid receiving blows in that area. Unfortunately the accidents happen, that’s why it’s important to know what happens if you remain unconscious for a long time.

Recently, Rafael Araneda suffered an accident when he was run over. According to a woman who witnessed it all, the presenter flew away y knocked unconscious after hitting the pavement. “Thank God he was wearing a helmet, otherwise we wouldn’t count it”he pointed Marcela Vacarezza, wife of Araneda.

What happens if a person lasts a long time unconscious

When a person remains unconscious for a prolonged period of time, may be an indication of a serious medical condition. Some possible causes of the prolonged unconsciousness son: head injuries, head trauma, seizures, brain diseases, poisoning or one overdose of drugs.

spend a prolonged period of time unconscious could have serious consequences, as brain damage, respiratory problems, heart problems, renal problems and in the most serious cases: stay in vegetative state o brain deathpoints Mayo Clinic.

What to do when a person is unconscious

What happens if you remain unconscious for a long time. Photo: Getty Images

If you find someone unconscious, the first thing you should do is immediately call the emergency services to provide medical attention as soon as possible.

You should start the cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) immediately. If the person is breathing normally, they should be placed in safety side position (PLS) to prevent you from choking on your tongue or suffocating on vomit should these occur.

It is important to remember that the person should only be moved if their life is in immediate danger, such as from fire, explosion, flood, or other hazard. otherwise it is better wait for medical help to arrivesince any unnecessary movement could worsen the situation.

When the patient is in an unconscious and irreversible state

It is known as coma irreversible when a patient does not wake up because he suffered Encephalic death (irreversible cessation in the functions of the neurological structures), indicates the Intensive Medicine magazine.

How do you know when you are brain dead?

What happens if you remain unconscious for a long time. Photo: Getty Images

The brain death, also known as Encephalic deathis the irreversible loss of all brain functionsincluding the electrical activity of the brain, the ability to breathe, and heart function.

To confirm the brain death, a complete neurological examination should be carried out by a specialized medical team. The examination must follow a specific and standard protocol that includes the evaluation of the response to stimuli, the electrical activity of the brain, and breathing.

In addition, it will evaluate the the person’s ability to breathe independentlySince the brain dead iimplies the loss of this function. If the person is not breathing independently, a apnea test to confirm brain death. In this test, the respiratory support and it is observed if there is any attempt of respiration.

Fortunately, in the case of presenterhe accident he was only scared. When performing routine tests, they ruled out fractures; he only had hematomas. Although he is already at home, “It is very difficult for him to stand up and walk, but obviously as a result of hard hit on the pavement. It is not known how long it will take to be able to walk normally again. Marcela pointed out.

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This experience makes it clear that Anyone can suffer a mishap when they least expect it. It is important to have a healthy lifestyle, but also to be cautious in each of the activities we do. now that you know what happens if you remain unconscious for a long timePlease share this information with other people.

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