What happens to your body if you reduce your salt intake by 1 gram per day? .. A study reveals a surprise!

by time news

Al Marsad newspaper: Experts have revealed how much salt an individual needs to help reduce the risk of a fatal heart attack.

A study showed that a very modest reduction in daily salt intake can significantly protect the risk of heart disease and stroke, according to recent research published in BMJ Nutrition Prevention & Health.

Salt raises blood pressure and can lead to cardiovascular disease. The National Health Service recommends no more than 6g of salt per day, which is about one teaspoon. This includes salt in prepared foods and when cooking.

The study revealed that China has the highest amount of salt of any country, where the average person eats 11 grams per day, and by analyzing the size of the population, salt intake and heart disease, scientists discovered that reducing salt intake by only 1 gram per day can prevent more than nine million heart attacks and strokes. Cerebral palsy in China.

The researchers said that reducing salt intake could also prevent more than four million deaths in the country within eight years, and although the British do not consume as much salt as people in China, the study indicates that reducing salt is beneficial. For overall cardiovascular health.

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