What help can you ask for after unemployment?

by time news

2023-07-01 00:34:16

Saturday, July 1, 2023, 00:34


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Apart from the subsidies that, like the IMV or the RGI, can be given by Social Security or our autonomous community, the Public State Employment Service (SEPE) also offers different types of aid to certain profiles of unemployed who, after exhausting the benefit contributory, they can’t find work.

Unemployment assistance protection begins when unemployment ends, unless the termination of unemployment is due to a sanction. Here it should be remembered that what we commonly call unemployment is the contributory benefit that corresponds to us for a maximum of two years when we lose our job involuntarily if, at the time this occurs, we meet certain contribution requirements. Specifically, to access it it is necessary to have at least 360 days of contributions in the last 6 years. Its duration and amount will depend on the quoted time and our regulatory base.

The subsidies, on the other hand, are not contributory, so they are no longer linked to our contribution and, in fact, they can also be requested by those who have not met the requirements to access unemployment. They all have a few things in common:

– Be uninterruptedly registered in the employment office as a job seeker and accredit the performance of active job search actions. This accreditation can be achieved through a placement agency (here you have the list of those authorized in the Basque Country), which must issue a certificate certifying both the registration with the agency itself and the conduct of interviews, the sending of CVs or the participation in courses.

– The monthly payment is 480 euros, 80% of the current IPREM at any given time. The duration depends on the type of subsidy we access.

– To request it, you must have your own monthly income of less than 810 euros per month, a figure equivalent to 75% of the minimum interprofessional salary without extraordinary payments. If you have a spouse, dependent minors or children with disabilities, this threshold is calculated by adding the income earned by all members of the family unit and dividing the result by the number of people that make up that unit. This income can come from business, professional, agricultural, livestock, artistic activities or from capital gains.

– These general rules for each case vary for those who become unemployed as discontinuous permanent workers or if the exhausted contributory benefit had been part time. The first if they lost their job before March 2, 2022. In this case, the aid will have a duration equivalent to the number of months contributed in the year prior to the application. For the latter, the amount of the subsidy will be reduced by the same percentage.

These are the aids that can be requested after unemployment:

Active Insertion Income (RAI)

The Active Insertion Income is a benefit for the unemployed who do not receive other aid and who prove that they have special difficulties in finding employment again. Its beneficiaries charge 480 euros per month for a maximum of eleven months and can request it up to three times spaced one year apart.

To apply, you must be between 45 and 65 years of age and be continuously registered with the employment office as a job seeker for at least twelve months and prove that you have completed at least three active job search actions. The last requirement is not to have been a beneficiary of this income for at least one year before the application nor to have benefited from it three times already.

Familiar help

If you have family responsibilities You can access the unemployment benefit with family responsibilities due to exhaustion of the contributory benefit. To request it, you must be registered as a job seeker for one month from the exhaustion of the benefit (date on which the granted benefit ends, which will always be prior to the date of the last payment of the benefit), without having rejected a job offer adequate, nor have refused to participate, except for justified cause, in actions for promotion, training or professional retraining.

Its duration varies depending on the duration of the unemployment benefit to which we were entitled (the one that we have exhausted), our age and type of contract.

-If on the date of exhaustion of the contributory unemployment benefit we are under 45 years of age and the exhausted benefit was for at least 4 months, we will be entitled to six extendable subsidy up to a maximum of 18. If, on the other hand, we had six or more months of unemployment, we will be entitled to six subsidy extendable up to 24.

-If we are over 45 years of age with the right to four months of benefits, we will be entitled to 6 months of subsidy, extendable up to a maximum of 24 months. If our right to unemployment reached six months, the extension can reach 30 months.

These general rules vary for those who become unemployed as discontinuous permanent workers if they lost their job before March 2, 2022. In this case, the aid will have a duration equivalent to the number of months contributed in the year prior to the application. In the event that the employment relationship that gave the right to the tax benefit that has been exhausted had been part time, the amount of the subsidy will be reduced by the same percentage.

Over 45 years without family responsibilities

Its duration will be a maximum of six months and to request it, you must be registered as a job seeker for one month from the exhaustion of the benefit (date on which it ends, which will always be prior to the date of the last payment of the benefit), without having rejected a suitable job offer, or having refused to participate, except for justified cause, in actions for promotion, training or professional retraining.

Over 52 years

This subsidy stands out for being the only one that contributes for retirement, as well as for providing coverage to unemployed people until they reach retirement age as long as the requirements are still met. Therefore, it requires meeting all the conditions for access to the pension except age. Thus, you must have contributed for 15 years in total and that 2 of these years are within the last 15. In addition, it is essential that you have contributed for unemployment for at least 6 years throughout your working life.

Extraordinary unemployment benefit (SED)

It can be requested after having exhausted the rest of the subsidies to which we may be entitled. They are 480 euros per month for a maximum of half a year and may not be received on more than one occasion. It is possible to make your perception compatible with part-time paid work, provided that even so the beneficiary continues to meet the requirements of lack of income and family responsibilities. If so, the 480 euros are not received in full, but the proportional part of the time worked is subtracted from this amount.

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