What if Macron loses the presidential election?

by time news

Until the end of last year, it was to be the least exciting of the eleven presidential elections organized since 1965 by direct universal suffrage. Everything cooked for Emmanuel Macron. And then imperceptibly, the wind turned, until the presidential camp shivered. It could finally be played out in a handkerchief in the second round, against Marine Le Pen. Some even come to evoke the unthinkable…

In the history of the Ve Republic, this is not the first time that the one who pranced at the top of the voting intentions in the pre-election year has collapsed in the home stretch. Some favorites even remained stuck in the starting blocks, such as the socialist Michel Rocard, darling of the polls for the 1981 presidential election but forced to withdraw from the race barely a month after declaring himself a candidate, after his party president, François Mitterrand, has finally come out of the woods.

During this 1981 election, like Emmanuel Macron this year, President Valéry Giscard d’Estaing delayed as long as possible the moment of announcing that he

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The evening (Bruxelles)

Launched in 1887, The evening is with La Libre Belgique, one of the two reference dailies in French-speaking Belgium. Rich in supplements and a pioneer on the web, it has nevertheless seen its sales decline sharply over the years. The generalist daily positions itself as politically neutral – even if it is the natural defender of French-speakers established in the Flemish outskirts of Brussels.

The evening is published by the Rossel group which, founded by Émile Rossel, still belongs to his heirs, the Hurbain family. Rossel owns several regional titles in Wallonia (united under the Sudpresse banner) as well as a majority stake in the group’s titles The voice of the North, in the north of France. Since July 1996, one finds on the site of the Evening the day’s edition as well as a substantial part of the newspaper’s archives. Very responsive to current events, the site has a large subscriber area.

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