What is a green mortgage and what are its advantages over traditional ones?

by time news

2023-08-21 18:34:14

Since there is no planet B, the green mortgages They do not stop growing, especially among the young public. Without going further, Kutxabankto give an example, has granted 1,319 million in sustainable financing in the first half of 2023, which represents 8.5% more than during the same period of the previous year.

But what exactly is a green mortgage? That advantages offer compared to traditional mortgages? All the banks do they grant them? The economist and president of the National Association of Real Estate Agents (Anai), Vicenç Hernández, explains it below.

What is a green mortgage

A green mortgage “is the way to finance a property built with sustainability certificates A or B”, summarizes the specialist on this type of financing ecological.

This type of property has a energy expenditure lower, and for this reason “it seeks to encourage people to bet on this type of sustainable housing”.

Advantages over traditional

A green mortgage “will have more advantageous conditions,” says Hernández, referring to the interest rates of this kind of loans mortgages, which are lower than those of traditional ones.

Two people are about to sign a mortgage loan / PEXELS

“And there is also a matter of purely economic consideration. If I buy an efficient property, consumption expenses will be lower. Therefore, these mortgages have a double advantagealthough they will stop being green and will become normal when the housing stock“, details the specialist.

Which banks offer them?

Today, virtually all banks –BBVA, Santander, Triodos BankCajamar, Banco Mediolanum and Liberbank, among others- offer green mortgages to their clients.

At Kutxabank, for example, 30.7% of the total new mortgage production is already included in this type of loan.

everything to green

In his strategy Retail bankingKutxabank has continued to strengthen its commitment to market products to finance the home buyingaccomplish home renovationsor purchase vehicles and eco-efficient appliances. Specifically, a significant part of this sustainable financing has been allocated to facilitate the purchase of energy-efficient homes by private clients from the bank, through the so-called green mortgage.

A sustainable house made with bamboo / FLICKR

This loan offers special conditions of financing for properties that have the highest energy certifications, as well as their protection through the green insurance, whose number of new policies has grown by 3.3%. Until the end of June 2023, Kutxabank has signed operations for a total value of 541 million euros in green mortgages.

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