what is a healthy serving of nuts?

by time news

In the section Nutrition under the microscope we share a scientific view of nutrition and health. The internet is full of claims about these two broad topics, but is that information correct? We provide clarity with the help of various experts. With today the last article in this series: what is a healthy serving of nuts?

You think you are healthy in the evening: you choose a bag of nuts instead of M&Ms. But if you look at the back of the package, you’ll see that there are about the same number of calories in both bags. How about that? Are nuts still healthy, and what is a healthy portion? Metro asked nutritionist Camella Bot.

Healthy portion of nuts

Do nuts fit into a healthy diet? “A handful of nuts is definitely part of a healthy diet.” let Bot know. “They are full of fiber and good, unsaturated fats. However, the latter also ensure that a handful of nuts contains a lot of kcal. Now the definition of a hand is of course very relative, but a small hand quickly contains about 250 kcal. By comparison, a Mars also contains this.”

The portion size is therefore extremely important when eating, says the nutritionist. And don’t let that stop you from eating nuts, because they are healthy. “It is really advisable to eat some nuts every day, because those unsaturated fats and fibers are extremely important to get daily. But be careful not to take too much.”

How many grams per day are we talking about? That depends on your diet, says Bot. “How much is sensible to eat depends on what you eat later in the day. So this differs per person. It should fit into your diet.”

Which nuts are best?

And then about the type of nuts. According to the nutritionist, there is also quite a difference. “Each note contains just a different composition. In terms of the type of nut, I would therefore mainly advise to vary. By varying, you take a bit of everything with you. I do recommend going for the unroasted, unsalted variety. This strain is the least processed.”

Nutrition under the microscope: how super are superfoods really (or is it nonsense)?

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