What is a property manager and what is their role — idealista/news

by time news

2023-08-04 11:27:01

the figure of farm administrator is directly linked to the management of communities of owners. There are many tasks that must be carried out in this framework: advising the owners, managing incidents and repairs, keeping the accounts of the community, convening and acting as secretary at board meetings… That is why it is common to delegate this work to a professional or team of qualified professionals.

So that you know everything about the Farm administration and its usefulness, in this article we tell you What is a property manager and what are their functions within the framework of the communities of owners.

What is a property manager?

An administrator or estate manager is a professional in charge of managing rural or urban properties, either by decision of a private owner, or by decision of a community of owners.

Although most frequently its figure is associated with horizontal property regimes (that is, cases in which there are several property owners within the same community or urbanization), its functions can also be developed for individual owners who are not integrated in a community regime.

He property administrator is in charge of managing the common elements of the communities of ownersas well as real estate and rustic property, owned by third parties, according to the Horizontal Property Law and the Urban and Rustic Leasing Law.

Among other things, a property manager will be in charge of the economic, technical and legal aspects related to property management, acting as interlocutor and mediator in the case of communities of owners.

Duties of a property manager

He job of a property manager It is very diverse and covers all aspects related to the management of farms and farm communities. In the case of communities of owners, we find the functions of the administrator in the Horizontal Property Law (article 20). They are the following:

watch over him good regime of the house, its facilities and servicesin addition to carrying out the warnings and warnings that are appropriate to the holders. Prepare with the necessary advance notice and submit to the meeting the foreseeable spending planproposing the necessary means to deal with them. Attend to the maintenance and entertainment of the houseordering the repairs and measures that are urgent, giving an immediate account of them to the president or, where appropriate, to the owners.Execute the agreements adopted in terms of works, make payments and carry out the collections that are appropriate.Act as secretary of the board and keep the documentation of the community available to the owners. All other powers that are conferred by the board.

In reality, the property manager duties They usually go further, taking charge of the community’s accounting as a tax consultant, negotiating with banks and dealing with public administrations, mediating in community matters when there are disagreements, hiring technical professionals and reaching agreements that respond to the interests of the owners… Administrators also tend to handle cases of delinquency in the payment of community fees.

Since the administrator also acts as secretary, he will have the obligation to keep the minutes books of the owners meetingas well as to keep, for a period of five years, the summons, communications, powers of attorney and other relevant documents of the meetings.

Is it mandatory to have a property manager?

Despite the complexity associated with the administration of communities of owners, the Horizontal Property Law does not require having this figure. Nor do individual owners who are not included in this type of regime need to have a property manager.

In some communities of owners, the president of the community is in charge of carrying out all the procedures associated with a property administrator. It is also possible that there is a team designated by the board that distributes the different plots of work associated with the community.

The Horizontal Property Law itself ensures that the functions of the secretary and the administrator “will be exercised by the president of the community, unless the statutes or the board of owners by majority agreement, provide for the provision of said positions separately from the presidency.”

In general, it is best to delegate this type of task to a qualified professional to avoid mistakes and have an impartial third party figure that can mediate in community affairs.

Most communities of owners have a property manager in charge of the day-to-day life of the community. This usually entails a economic savings and greater legal certainty. In addition, it is advisable to opt for a registered professional who is backed by insurance that covers any incident that may affect the community and who has up-to-date and constant training.

Advantages of having a registered property manager

Hire a property manageroffers numerous advantages that can make the difference in the efficient management of a community of owners:

Technical and legal knowledge: Registered property managers are aware of the latest developments in legislation and jurisprudence applicable to the management of communities, which translates into offering adequate advice and avoiding possible legal problems. Experience and professionalism: These professionals have extensive experience, which allows them to apply the best practices and solutions to problems that may arise on a day-to-day basis. Quality guarantee: Being collegiate, property managers are subject to quality control by the professional association, which guarantees that their work conforms to the quality and ethical standards established by the profession. Liability insurance: The registered property managers have civil liability insurance that covers any incident or damage that may occur in the exercise of their work, thus protecting the community of owners. Access to resources and services: They have access to a wide network of resources, services and collaborators that can be very useful to improve community management.

How much is charged in a property administration?

Hiring a property manager implies a cost for the community of owners or the individual owner. It is important to carefully analyze the services offered by the manager and assess whether they fit the specific needs of the property or community. We present some aspects to take into account when evaluating the cost of the services of a property manager.

Rate Comparison: It is advisable to request several estimates and compare the rates and services offered by different professionals. This will allow you to get a more accurate idea of ​​the average cost in your area and choose the option that best suits your needs and budget. Cost transparency: A good property manager must be transparent regarding his fees and explain in detail the services included in his fee.Value for money : You should not only look at the price, but also the quality and efficiency of their work.

He price of a property management it can vary depending on various factors, such as geographic location, community size, etc.

Property managers typically set their fees based on a fixed monthly or annual amount, although they may also charge for specific additional services.

How to choose the best property manager in your area

Select tobest property managerin your area is a crucial task to ensure efficient and proper management of your community. To facilitate this choice, we offer you some tips to keep in mind during the selection process:

Communication: A good property manager must maintain fluid and transparent communication with the owners, regularly reporting on the actions taken and the results obtained.Proactivity: It is essential that the property administrator take the initiative to detect and solve problems, as well as to propose improvements in community management.Bargaining power: An efficient property manager must be able to negotiate with suppliers and hire services in the best possible conditions for the community.Legal and technical knowledge: The property manager must be aware of the applicable laws and regulations, as well as the technical aspects related to the maintenance and upkeep of the property.
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