What is Abdominal Diastasis? The symptoms and treatments of the pathology that has affected Costanza Caracciolo- time.news

by time news

2023-06-30 13:21:21

by Chiara Bidoli

The wife of Bobo Vieri, former Velina of «Striscia la Notizia», declared in an interview with «Ok Salute e Benessere» that she suffers from abdominal diastasis due to the two close pregnancies

It is estimated that around 30% of mothers suffer from diastasis recti. In a recent interview with «Ok Salute e Benessere» Costanza Caracciolo declared that she was ill from this pathology that appeared after the two pregnancies she had only 16 months apart. Before her Naomi BocchiFrancesco Totti’s current partner, had said she wanted to resort to surgery to solve the problem of the annoying “bacon” and other related ailments, which appeared after the births and never resolved despite intense physical activity.

What is diastasis recti

The main muscles of the rectus abdominis wall are divided into two parts held together by a thin band of connective tissue (called “linea alba” or “median line”) which develops from below the sternum to the pelvic bones and which has the task , not only to hold the rectus abdominis muscles together, but also to protect the internal organs. Pregnancy, due to the constantly growing uterus, leads over the nine months to a stretching of the rectus abdominis muscle which, after the birth of the child, is physiologically stretched and not very elastic. It usually takes 8 to 12 weeks after giving birth to regain elasticity in the abdomen and after 6 months, if you resume regular physical activity and a balanced diet, you should be able to return to your pre-pregnancy size without problems. However, in the event that the «linea alba», which is very resistant but not very elastic, wears out for some reason, it is difficult for it to return to its initial condition naturally. Depending on the distance that is created between the two rectus-abdominal muscles, it may be a mild degree diastasis (less than 3 cm), which usually does not cause disturbances and does not require interventions, a moderate degree (between 3 and 5 cm) cm) and severe (more than 5 cm). If of a severe degree, it could generate an umbilical hernia or an epigastric hernia because the muscles lose the ability to contain the abdominal viscera which come out of their natural location. In addition to pregnancy, there are other factors that can determine the appearance of abdominal diastasis and that can also affect men: obesity, excessive efforts due – for example – to intense physical activity or even a genetic predisposition.


Among the main symptoms of this pathology are an unaesthetic “bacon” associated with swelling, which is often mistaken for a new pregnancy, pain in the back, hips and pelvis, but also intestinal problems, incontinence, a sense of heaviness in the pelvic floor. If, one year after a pregnancy, despite regular sports and a balanced diet, the belly hasn’t returned to what it used to be, if there is a persistent feeling of bloating, if there is lumbar pain, pelvis instability, incontinence or digestive problems, it could be abdominal diastasis and an ultrasound of the muscles of the abdominal wall is required, specifying the centimeters of relaxation distance and any hernias on the report.

How to cure

If the problem does not resolve itself naturally and is of a “mild degree”, a targeted physiotherapy course can be followed. If, on the other hand, it causes disabling side effects, surgery is required which will be evaluated according to the severity. Among the most common is abdominoplasty (usually in “moderate” cases) which allows for the rapprochement of the two muscles, while in “severe” cases it may be necessary to insert a biocompatible resorbable mesh which allows the muscles to be brought together and also has a containment role of the internal organs. Physical exercises to strengthen the abdominal muscles should, however, be avoided because they could even be counterproductive. The risk is that they go to excessively stress abdominal muscles already tried and tense.

June 30, 2023 (change June 30, 2023 | 1:21 pm)

#Abdominal #Diastasis #symptoms #treatments #pathology #affected #Costanza #Caracciolo #time.news

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