What is an “eye lift” and what is it for?

by time news

2024-08-24 16:00:47

A face lift is a surgical procedure that reshapes the face by tightening the skin and removing excess material. Find out how much it costs to undergo this surgery and how long the results last.

Last update: August 24, 2024

As we age, wrinkles appear in different areas of our face, and the firmness and elasticity of the skin decreases. That’s why, many people decide to resort to it carving face or rhytidectomy; a plastic surgery procedure designed to reverse the signs of aging and achieve a more youthful appearance to the face.

If you are thinking of passing ca carving eyes, or you want to learn more about this process, you may have many questions. What does it contain? Is there another option that does not include surgery? Below, we tell you everything you need to know about them carving eyes to get young and fresh eyes.

What a carving face and what are its effects?

Carving face, face or rhytidectomy is what a surgical procedure that reduces the signs of aging on the facesuch as sagging, wrinkles or expression lines, achieving a much more rejuvenated face. During surgery, the doctor makes small incisions in the process areas of the eye, performing the following actions:

  • Fat reduction.
  • Redistribution of skin.
  • Muscle problem.
  • Elimination of excess tissue.
  • Rehabilitation of the most degraded areas.

All this results in a smooth and refined appearance, with a noticeable reduction in wrinkles and sagging.

Face lift It is recommended for people with sagging or sagging face.. It is generally indicated for men and women over the age of 45, because that is the approximate age at which the effects of age begin to be more clearly observed.

Types of carving

Depending on the area we want to treat, there are different types of facial lift:

  • Minilifting. It is a minimally invasive procedure that tightens the skin of the face and neck and redefines the oval face.
  • Carving eye. It is focused on the upper part of the face, eliminating facial wrinkles and raising eyebrows.
  • Carving cervicofacial. It focuses on the middle and lower part of the face and neck. It gives a more refined appearance to the face by treating wrinkles and loss of firmness.
  • Carving cervical. Elimination of sagging and wrinkles in the neck and jaw, improving the contour of the jaw line, reducing folds and getting a double in the neck area.

The amount and duration of a carving eye

Its effects can last several years, between 7 and 15, depending on the type carving and aftercare. To prolong the results, it is important to maintain a healthy lifestyle and avoid sun exposure.

As for the price of the eye, it varies depending on the country, the hospital where it is done and the patient, as it is a personal procedure. In general, in Spain we can talk about a number between 4 thousand and 15 thousand euros. In the United States, according to the American Society of Plastic Surgeons, the average cost is $11,395.

Benefits of eye contact

If you are looking to have a renewed and firm face, you should know that among its main benefits, carving eye supplies:

  • Facial rejuvenation. Reduce skin sagging and eliminate wrinkles, improving the appearance of the youth.
  • body tension. Reduce sagging and eliminate wrinkles by tightening the skin and removing excess tissue.
  • Contour enhancement eye. Define the angle of the shoulder and the angle of the neck for a more playful look.
  • Increased confidence. Improvement in facial appearance can increase self-esteem and self-confidence.
  • Improved facial expression. Corrects asymmetries caused by aging for a more balanced appearance.
  • Long lasting results. It offers significant improvement that can be maintained for many years.

Surgical procedure carving eye

As in any surgery, in rhytidectomy it is necessary to do a preliminary examination of the patient to evaluate their compliance. The operation is painless, as it is done under anesthesia, which can be local or general..

During the surgery, the specialist will make smaller incisions in different areas, such as the ears and along the hairline. This will reduce the appearance of the scars.

Through the needles, the surgeon accesses the layers under the skin and the facial muscles and makes them redo.removing excess skin and tightening tissues. The intervention lasts between one and five hours, and usually requires a hospital stay.

The period after surgery may include some discomfort during the first nights, as well as warmth during the first two or three weeks that may persist, slightly, in the following months. The important thing is that you know the ways to take care of your eyes after surgery. carving eye; for example, sleeping on your back or using ice to reduce swelling.

Normally, the patient can return to his routine after ten or fifteen days, and the results are noticeable in the third week.

Risks and possible side effects of a carving eye

It is important to follow the surgeon’s instructions to ensure optimal recovery and reduce the risk of complications. According to Medlineplus, The risks of eye surgery are:

  • Persistent pain that does not decrease over time.
  • Problems with wound healing.
  • Numbness or other changes in skin sensitivity.
  • Damage to the eye tissues (usually temporary, but can be permanent).
  • Bleeding under the skin (hematoma) that may require surgery.

In any case, Most eyelid surgeries are performed without major complications and the results are usually positive. According to the study published in Indian Journal of Plastic Surgery, in which a group of patients who received a carving, of the middle of the third eye everyone is happy.

Can you do one carving eyes without undergoing plastic surgery?

Many people want to reconstruct their face without going under the knife. There are many procedures that can improve your appearance without surgery. carvingbut it is important to note that the results of these treatments are not long-term and all need to be repeated once or twice a year. Some of the most popular are as follows:

  • tension ropes. They are absorbable sutures that are inserted under the skin, reshaping the skin. It is more economic than a carving (40% cheaper, according to report). It is also useful for treating double chin, eyebrows and eliminating neck wrinkles.
  • Focused intensity ultrasound. Ultrasound waves can heat the deeper layers of the skin and stimulate it from collagen production.
  • Radio frequency. Facial massage heats the deeper layers of the skin, which also stimulates collagen production and improves skin firmness and elasticity.
  • Laser. This procedure uses laser technology to create micro-injuries at the level of the skin, triggering the natural regeneration process.

Of course, there are many others tips to repair the face at home, such as eating foods rich in antioxidants, avoiding sun exposure, doing facial massages and nourishing the skin with herbs and essential oils.

Carving face: a way to get a younger face

Him carving The face is one of the most requested plastic surgeries. In fact, it is the second most commonly performed cosmetic procedure in the United States, behind only liposuction. This practice allows the skin on your face to look firm and repaired.therefore it is a very popular option among the elderly, especially women over 45 years of age.

As with all surgery, there are risks and benefits to consider. We recommend that you consult a board-certified plastic surgeon to better understand the possible results and decide if this procedure is right for you.

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