What is Asperger Syndrome?

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He Asperger’s syndrome represents one of the disorders that affect the mind and behavior of people. Discover what is the Asperger’s syndromewhich are the symptoms and what to do if this is detected disease.

What Causes Asperger Syndrome

It is suffering is characterized by a set of mental and behavioral problems which are included within the autism spectrum disorders. Has its origin in the prenatal stagethat is, before birth, and it is due to the fact that there are abnormalities in the formation and functioning of the circuits of brain neurons, points out the Johns Hopkins All Children’s Hospital.

in this suffering no delay in language development. The first words and phrases appear at the expected age, but there is an important alteration in non-verbal behaviors, such as facial expression; do not look into the eyes.

What is a person with Asperger Syndrome like?

What is Asperger Syndrome? Photo: iStock

Besides, are unable to develop relationships with peersThey do not share the interests of other people. They may also have certain repetitive or bizarre behavior patternsfor example.

1. Rituals or specific routineswhich cannot change

2. Repetitive movements without any meaning, such as shaking or turning the hands, moving the fingers.

3. show concern or special interest in some part of an object, such as the tire of a stroller or the finger of a doll.

All these symptoms cause a great deterioration in their social, school and family capacities. they also have Difficulty interpreting, understanding, and predicting behaviors of other people; They find it hard to organize, start and finish an activity because they don’t have much time management skills. It is important to mention that it can be associated with other diseases, such as Attention deficitthe depression and the anxiety.

How do I know if my child has Asperger Syndrome?

What is Asperger Syndrome? Photo: iStock

There is no exam or test that serves to make the diagnosis. Special studies like electroencephalogram o tomographyThey should only be carried out when there is suspicion of some other disease and they really need to be done, but they are not useful for this syndrome.

In general, behaviors are sought, in addition to those already mentioned, that help to identify it, such as:


Does not respond to being called by name

Inability to use gestures to point or show

Difficulties playing with others

disinterest in peers

Once identified the syndromeIt is important to start the treatment, since the sooner it is carried out, the greater the chances of rehabilitation. Generally, it is carried out by an interdisciplinary group, where at least one specialized doctora psychologist, physiotherapist, speech therapist and in some cases a neurologist.

If you notice that your child is studying with some of these symptomsit is convenient to go to a specialist, to make an assessment of your case, and establish the appropriate treatment for it.

How does a person with Asperger talk?

Las people with Asperger’sLike all people, they have their own style of speaking and it can vary depending on the person and the level of involvement of their condition. However, there are some general features that are often observed in the speech of the people with Asperger’s.

Monotony: People with Asperger’s often speak in a monotone with no change in rhythm or intonation. They may appear bored or emotionless, even though they may actually be experiencing intense emotions.

speak formally: They may speak in a more formal or pedantic manner than is expected in casual conversation, using more sophisticated language or unusual words.

Difficulty initiating and maintaining conversations: They may have difficulty initiating and maintaining conversations, which can make them seem distant or uninterested in others. They often prefer to talk about a specific topic and may have difficulty changing the subject.

literal interpretation: People with Asperger’s often have difficulty understanding figurative or metaphorical language, and may take things literally.

Talk about your special interests: They often talk about their special interests in a very intense and detailed way, which can result in long monologues or endless talk about a topic.

It is important to remember that these are generalizations and do not apply to all people with Asperger’s. In addition, the people with Asperger’s may have others communication difficulties and specific support needs to improve their social and communication skills.

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Although it is not easy to detect this disorderIt is important to pay attention to the signs so that a specialist is the one who gives the diagnosis of Asperger’s Syndrome.

With information from Fundación Teletón Cultural Diffusion

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