What is behind the crime of the Colombians accused of murdering Fernando Villavicencio in Ecuador?

by time news

2023-10-10 07:01:00

The murder in an Ecuadorian prison of the six Colombians accused of the murder of that country’s presidential candidate, Fernando Villavicencio, raised all kinds of speculation and suspicions not only in the political sphere, but in the same Ecuadorian society that will attend this weekend. the polls to elect a new president.

For Ecuadorians, the hanging of Andrés Mosquera Ortiz, José Neider López Hitas, Adey Fernando García García, Camilo Romero Reyes, Jules Osmín Castaño Alzate and Jhon Gregore Rodríguez in pavilion 7 of the Guayas Prison Number 1, in the city of Guayaquil, It only obeys the desire to silence the material authors to cover up who is really behind the murder of Villavicencio.

In fact, Cristhian Zurita, the journalist and friend of Villavicencio who replaced him in the presidential campaign after his assassination on August 9, indicated: “They killed Fernando’s hitmen. They mess up the whole investigation. They want to point out who has nothing to do with the case. His closest team lives in fear. “The threats to his friends increase.”

But on the other side of the coin, the politicians in power accuse each other of having an interest in Fernando Villavicencio being erased from the face of the earth, as hinted by the former president of Ecuador, Rafael Correa, who, without yet knowing the identities of those murdered, he noted in his account

Minutes later, the Ecuadorian president himself, Guillermo Lasso, asserted that there will be “neither complicity nor cover-up, here the truth will be known.”

The doubts created

Among the many unknowns generated by the murder of the Colombians accused in the Villavicencio homicide, is why it occurred just after the United States government offered a reward of $5,000,000 for information leading to the mastermind.

Furthermore, as EL COLOMBIANO learned, in a police report dated October 5, 2023, the six Colombians requested the Ecuadorian Prosecutor’s Office and the National Service for Comprehensive Attention to Adult Persons Deprived of Liberty and Adolescent Offenders (SNAI) for a transfer of prison that was denied them, “due to a warning of an attack on their lives.”

After the massacre of the six Colombians, the citizen platform SOS Cárceles Ecuador, indicated that one of the reports from the SNAI guards to which they had access states that the bodies of those murdered “do not show signs of torture, nor wounds resulting from any combat.” ”.

In addition, they indicated that the multiple homicide occurs just after the Minister of the Interior, Juan Zapata, finalized the report on those responsible for the assassination of Villavicencio. “Could it not be that the Guillermo Lasso government and the Ecuadorian Police want to hide the truth of these events?” they indicated from the human rights defense platform.

SOS Cárceles puts the magnifying glass on another issue and that is that the Lasso government, who convened a security council after the murder of the six Colombians, dismissed General Alain Luna, “who was the officer responsible for the capture of the hitmen of Villavicencio, and who was later separated from this investigation by orders of General Salinas. “He also investigated sensitive information about the murders of Fernando Villavicencio and Rubén Cherres.”

A key witness

In the midst of the hectic panorama, the Prosecutor’s Office wanted to calm the waters a little and stated that they received the testimony of a key witness who, under oath, provided unpublished data and information to clarify the murder of Villavicencio.

“Among other things, he narrated the preparations and amounts offered by the intellectual authors. In addition, to those who would have given the order to commit the crime,” said the Prosecutor’s Office.

The data obtained by the investigators indicate that the payment for Villavicencio’s life was $200,000, and that the masterminds are willing to erase clues to avoid his identification.

Prosecutor’s office investigated even friends

The Ecuadorian Prosecutor’s Office, within the framework of the investigation it is carrying out into the murder of Fernando Villavicencio, asked 25 people close to the murdered candidate to hand over their cell phones. Among those cited are Cristhian Zurita, some family members and other friends. Investigators are also carrying out investigations because another massacre occurred at the Cotopaxi Rehabilitation Center, where a woman identified as Laura Castillo, alias “La China,” is located. This woman is also involved in Villavicencio’s murder. Zurita directly accused Rafael Correa of ​​being behind the murder of her friend Villavicencio.

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