What is Colpensiones BEPS life insurance and what does it cover?

by time news
Colpensiones BEPS have the option of having life insurance. Image by David Mark from Pixabay

The purpose of Colpensiones’ BEPS life insurance is to give a hand to those people who may suffer a calamity due to different circumstances.

These coverages occur in cases such as die from a serious illness, homicide or even suicide.

It is important that people can count on this type of insurance since, when suffering some calamity and not having the resources to solve said situation, Colpensiones’ BEPS life insurance will be able to support you.

Colpensiones BEPS insurance coverage

From Colpensiones they explain the cases and causes covered by the BEPS life insurance, so that a person can go to it in the event of the following calamities.

Death from any cause

Includes suicide, homicide, terrorism, AIDS and presumed death by disappearance, whose insured value is in accordance with the savings ranges.

Funeral protection

It is an additional aid to the value insured by the basic protection for death, whose insured value is 1.25 SMMLV (minimum limit).

Serious illnesses: when the insured is diagnosed for the first time, within the validity of the policy, any of the following illnesses:

  • Any type of cancer without exclusions.
  • Myocardial infarction.
  • Cerebrovascular disease.
  • Multiple sclerosis.
  • Coronary artery surgery including bypass.
  • Burns that require special care.


“When the insured suffers a loss of organs and/or members, or their faculties, within the validity of the policy, (includes terrorism and any kind of attempted homicide, that is, the dismemberment caused by other people with a firearm , cutting, sharp or forceful) ”, they explain in Colpensiones.

The insured value will be equivalent to a percentage of the insured value due to deathas an addition to the basic protection, which is determined below:

  • Loss of one or both arms, legs, feet and hands: Loss of vision in one or both eyes: 50%
  • Hearing loss in one or both ears: 50%
  • Loss in a single event; of the first finger (thumb) and second finger (index) of the same hand: 50%
  • Loss of the first finger (thumb) of either hand: 25%

It may interest you: What is the difference between a pension and the BEPS of Colpensiones?

Procedure to claim it

To demonstrate the occurrence and amount of the claim, only the following documents may be required:

Basic protection (death from any cause)

  • Photocopy of the death certificate.
  • Photocopy of the civil marriage registry if there is a marital relationship with the insured, public deed, or out-of-court declaration of cohabitation, if it is a de facto marital union.
  • Photocopy of the applicant’s citizenship card
  • Photocopy of the civil registry of the beneficiary children, if any
  • Written document signed by the claimant beneficiary, evidencing the authorization to the insurer of the over-the-counter transfer through the bank with the greatest coverage in the country or, failing that, indicating the type, account number and bank to which it must be transferred or transferred the value of the compensation (must be own account, third parties are not accepted).
  • In no case may documents authenticated by a notary public be required.
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