What is complementary medicine and who is it suitable for?

by time news

What is complementary medicine and who is it suitable for?

system ask the doctor | date:12:07 22/02/2023

In our era, as we know it today, Western medicine does not fulfill the full recovery potential for a patient, hence the importance of complementary medicine.

Alternative Medicine

Many are not aware of this, but complementary medicine is an ancient and ancient treatment method, where over the years, the treatment methods have been improved and adapted to our daily reality. Today, the various and diverse treatment tools and methods of complementary medicine allow for the strengthening of the body and mind, complete healing and even to the point of a feeling of rebirth. Of course, next to treatment with complementary medicine, it is important to be tested under Western medicine, and to avoid neglect. The treatment of the human body is like the complete puzzle with all its parts, therefore the combination of Western medicine and complementary medicine is the ideal for obtaining the best result.

Through the adjustment of the right treatment personally for each patient, the complementary medicine treatment will bring each person to full recovery and solid health, and will create a stronger and more connected body, on all levels. Complementary medicine holds an agenda according to which the trinity of body-mind-spirit is one. By healing these three layers as one piece, it is possible to reach the full recovery potential, and a much more beneficial and stronger result.

To illustrate, the human body can be imagined as a mosaic that is fully connected in all its parts. On the one hand, the treatment of the body is carried out using Western medicine, by tests, medicines and the like. On the other hand, the body is treated with complementary medicine methods, and this is how body-spirit-mind healing is also carried out. In this way, a complete balm is given both for the general body experience, and for chronic pain, as well as for symptoms such as fatigue, lack of vitality, lack of mood, and more.

Complementary medicine methods include, among others: acupuncture, reflexology, physiotherapy, aromatherapy, Reiki. And, Ayurveda, naturopathy, Bach flowers, homeopathy, iridology, psychotherapy and more. Complementary medicine price list Moves on a wide scale, and therefore, you should consult properly and personally with the therapist you have chosen.

Complementary medicine treatment as a complete balm for health

As mentioned, the complementary medicine agenda sees the human body as a whole, together with the spirit and soul, as one piece. The body’s systems are synchronized among themselves, and this is actually exactly, also the way to healing. That is, complementary medicine believes that once certain points in the body are pointed out and treated, the body is made to work, return to its natural place, and reach a full recovery. Beyond that, even if no recovery is needed, the tools of complementary medicine will necessarily strengthen the body, and make it much more vital.

As part of the complementary medicine that provides healing both for the specific problem of the patient, and for the general state of health, in a macro view. Therefore, our lifestyle patterns, dietary patterns, behavior, thinking, feelings of pressure or stress, emotional states, and more are taken into account as part of the therapist’s diagnosis. So sometimes, when you come to a complementary medicine therapist to treat a specific problem, you will receive complete healing in all its shades.

This happens for two main reasons. One, complementary medicine believes that every organ in the body has an impact on another organ, and that it even stems from a problem in another organ. Second, treatment with complementary medicine in a certain area can certainly cause other organs in the body to become stronger. For example, health problems such as migraines, back pain, depression or anxiety, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, problems with the digestive system – all of these, together or separately, are affected by other organs in our body, and also affect other organs in our body respectively.

Complementary medicine treatment – also as a prelude to a medicine for a blow

Complementary medicine is not only a complete and amazing solution for a variety of health problems, but also in its ability to provide a cure for a blow on all levels. That is, the methods and treatment tools of complementary medicine can also prevent illness, ahead of time.

These miracles can happen because the complementary medicine methods and tools allow the therapist to identify a lack of harmony in the body, a certain weakness, imbalance, and more. And thus, strengthen the problematic place and bring it to balance. As a result, the body will inevitably become stronger, and as seen in the field every time – it will also prevent illness, and help keep our body healthy and strong.

Who are complementary medicine treatments suitable for?

The complementary medicine treatments are suitable for everyone, in all their shades, of course under the conditions of personal adjustment for each patient. From children to the elderly, pregnant or lactating women, sick with diseases and even serious diseases, injured people undergoing rehabilitation after an accident, etc. Everyone can benefit from the magic of complementary medicine, strengthen and improve their health significantly. Regarding the prices of the treatments and the complementary medicine price list, know that the prices vary on a wide scale, and can and will vary from 100 NIS to 700 NIS for a single treatment. In order to receive a price quote, a complete diagnosis must be made with the appropriate therapist, in relation to the patient and his specific situation.

It is not for nothing that complementary medicine is gaining momentum and increasing its distribution among many of the population in recent years, because the results speak for themselves in the field. Complementary medicine improves the lives and quality of life of many, and has the ability to give any person who chooses it – to live his life to the fullest, as if born again.

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