What is Einstein’s theory that the passage of time is not absolute?

by time news


What is Einstein’s theory, which sees that the passage of time is not absolute? Einstein’s theory is one of the most famous theories in the world of physics, which was invented by Einstein or rather developed in the early twentieth century. Through the Gulf Press website, a miscellaneous news section, we will talk about Einstein’s theory, which sees that the passage of time is not absolute, and we will talk about its hypotheses and their conflict with some of Newton’s laws, and we will mention some examples of them.

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What is Einstein’s theory that the passage of time is not absolute?

The theory of relativity is considered one of the most famous theories in the world of physics, thanks to its development thanks to the world Einstein, and this theory is a branch of two theories, the first is the general theory of relativity and the second is the special theory of relativity, both of which are based on the principle of relativity, which was invented by Galileo Galilei in 1636 AD.

What is the theory of relativity?

Einstein’s theory of relativity revolutionized the world of physics and astronomy and was used in many of the laws of energy, mass, time and space. :

  • The theory of relativity is based on the fact that time and motion have moved from being absolute to being relativistic.
  • Time has become a fourth dimension in addition to the three dimensions of space.
  • The theory unified time and space and made them like one unit after each one was different from the other.
  • The theory also made time the mainstay in measuring gravity and body velocity.
  • Also, time has become the basis for understanding and analyzing the universe.
  • This theory is credited with inventing the sciences of astronomy and cosmology.
  • The invention of the global navigation system GPS is also credited with this theory.

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Theory of Relativity and Newton’s Laws

The scientist Newton believed that we could reach the speed of light, as he explained that no body moves except by the influence of external forces on it and that it does not move by itself, but Einstein came after him and clarified all these laws and theories after studying Newton’s laws, and concluded that it is not possible to We reach the speed of light, as it is considered a fantasy because there is no infinite energy, and the reason is that the energy of this universe is limited.

Examples from our life on the theory of relativity

Einstein’s theory of relativity is credited with inventing and developing many systems that facilitated human life, and modern technology at the present time depends on the theory of relativity, including, for example:

  • GPS positioning system.
  • Electromagnet.
  • Yellow gold colour.
  • The difficulty of rusting gold.
  • Liquidity of mercury.
  • Old TVs.
  • the light.
  • Nuclear power plants.

In conclusion, dear reader, we have talked about the most important theory in the world of physics that belongs to Einstein, which is the theory of relativity. You may have liked the article.


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