what is expected of Poland in the EU with the change after the elections

by time news

2023-10-16 23:11:57

Stopping the rise of the extreme right is one of the challenges of Europe, which has seen how in recent years Giorgia Meloni won in Italy, joining the ultra-conservative governments of Hungary and Poland, which have become the great headache of the EU. The possibility that Donald Tusk, former president of the European Council (2014-2019), once again takes the reins of Poland is a relief to the vast majority of Member States and the European Commission. These institutions contain exaltation over diplomatic issues while the majority of groups in the European Parliament, with the exception of the extreme right, celebrate the possibility that the leader of the European People’s Party will regain power after eight years of authoritarian drift in Warsaw in which Clashes with the EU have been practically a constant.

The mirrors of Poland and Hungary: a ‘fine rain’ against equality policies and LGTBI rights

The 27 recover one of the most emblematic faces of Europeanism after years of fighting with Poland which, together with Hungary, has made blackmailing the EU one of the hallmarks of its national and European politics. The Prime Minister and Law and Justice (PiS) candidate, Mateusz Morawiecki, made opposition to the “dictates of Brussels” one of the driving ideas of his electoral race, in which he has prevailed although he is not given the numbers to govern, opening the way to change.

Although Tusk will have a difficult time until 2025, due to the veto power of the president, Andrzej Duda (PiS), whose mandate lasts until that year, what is expected of him is an immediate change in tone, forms and positions. of Poland towards the EU and in matters of international politics. That includes the relationship with Ukraine, which has cooled recently over the grain conflict. The confrontation of the Government of Law and Justice with Volodymyr Zelensky was frontal a few weeks ago, in the middle of the electoral campaign, and Poland, after having been Ukraine’s main partner since the Russian invasion, maintained the veto on grain imports, against the criteria of Brussels, and announced the cessation of the shipment of weapons. Although the Civic Platform candidate has not revealed whether he will lift that veto, he has criticized the damage it poses to the country’s reputation, reports EFE.

Poland and Viktor Orbán’s Hungary threatened to break the migration pact if it includes quotas for the distribution of refugees, although these can be overcome with financial contributions, which is the position that the European governments have agreed to at the expense of negotiating with the European Parliament and the Commission. . It would not be the first time. The European Justice has already condemned those two countries and Slovakia for rejecting the relocation of applicants for international protection.

Orbán and Morawiecki, who have made the right to veto one of their ruses to achieve their own victories, blocked conclusions on immigration at the last two European Council meetings. The rejection of immigration was one of the flags of Morawiecki’s campaign. Tusk, who was president of the European Council, is expected to comply with EU mandates.

Recovery of women’s and LGTBI rights

But one of the main concerns in Brussels is the rule of law situation in Poland and Hungary. In fact, the 27 initiated the procedure against Poland five years ago, under article 7 of the treaties, for the constant failure to comply with European values ​​such as judicial independence in both countries and violations related to freedom of expression, corruption, human rights. of minorities and the situation of immigrants and refugees in the Hungarian case. Since then the matter, which could lead to sanctions – including the loss of voting rights for those countries – if it is concluded that there has been a serious and persistent breach of the rule of law, has been practically on hold because Hungary and Poland protect each other.

Tusk has committed to fixing the situation of the rule of law with the repeal of the controversial judicial reform of the PiS, which was already forced to reverse some precepts that were even aimed at persecuting the opposition, in this case the leader of Civic Platform. The reversal of this policy will also have an economic effect for the country, which has frozen recovery funds (at the moment 35,000 million euros) for not approving in this matter.

Brussels also went after Hungary and Poland for their homophobic laws. Tusk has committed to protecting the LGTBI community and also to annul the most retrograde regulations regarding women’s rights. The ultranationalist and Catholic Government promoted one of the most restrictive legislation regarding the right to voluntary interruption of pregnancy, with judicial persecution of doctors and activists who facilitate it. Tusk has assured that it will allow it until week 12 and also public coverage of in vitro fertilization.

A cordon to the extreme right

“I have never been so happy with a second place,” Tusk said on election night, when the polls gave him options to govern if he reaches the necessary agreements: “Poland has won! Democracy has won! “We have thrown them out of power!”

“Very good news from Poland. “The Polish people came out en masse to open a new era for the country,” said the head of the European People’s Party, Manfred Weber, who congratulated Tusk and also the “opposition partners who sent a message of hope”: ” “No one stands in the way of Poland and its European future!”

Although the EPP has broken the cordon on the extreme right in other countries, such as Italy or Spain, the intention is for it to remain isolated in Poland, where it continues to be the leading force, with an agreement from all the others that manages to take it away. the power.

“After an absolutely record-breaking voter mobilization, Poland is back. For women’s rights, for the rule of law, for the climate. For progress and democracy! Congratulations to Polska 2050, which achieved an excellent result for such a young party and is in a decisive position to contribute to this coalition,” said French MEP from Renew Valérie Hayer.

The joy has been widespread. “Tonight I have a lot of hope. Poles turned out en masse to vote, if the polls confirm it, clearly for a change. For a democratic, open and European Poland,” said the head of the Social Democrats, Iratxe García.

“In June, Spanish citizens successfully blocked an attempt to establish a far-right government. The results of the Spanish and Polish elections prove one thing: when citizens mobilize with determination and hope, we can defeat the extreme right, authoritarians and reactionary forces. This gives hope for the next European elections in June 2024, where every vote will count in the fight against climate disasters, social injustice and the extreme right,” the co-presidents of The Greens, Mélanie Vogel and Thomas Waitz, say in a statement.

“The defeat of the reactionary far-right PIS in Poland is a great relief. Today I think of the Polish women, for whom abortion was prohibited, of the LGTBIQ people harassed by those in power. It is time to restore their rights,” celebrated the co-spokesperson of The Left in the European Parliament, Manon Aubry (France Insoumise).

#expected #Poland #change #elections

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