What is gastroenteritis: what health problems is it confused with?

by time news

2023-05-16 23:51:08

He stomachache It is one of the worst discomforts that we can have during the day, especially when it is a symptom of infectionlike a gastroenteritis. Discover what is the ‘stomach flu’with what health problems is it confused?

What is gastroenteritis and why does it occur?

Without a doubt, the gastroenteritis is one of the worst intestinal inflammationsis also known as ‘stomach flu‘ because some of its symptoms are similar to those of the common flu, for example, vomiting, diarrhea or fever. In accordance with specialists at Cleveland Clinic Medical Institutethis type of inflammation affects the small intestine and colon.

Believe it or not, the gastroenteritis It is so common that it represents the third cause of emergency medical care, reveals the Mexican Institute of Social Security (IMSS), because if not treated in time, it can cause serious dehydration problems.

What is gastroenteritis: what health problems is it confused with?/ Photo: iStock

According to specialists, the bad hygiene habitsthe intake of contaminated food or drink, are some of the main risk factors. However, this painful inflammation It can also be caused by a variety of viruses, bacteria or parasites, chemicals and may even be a reaction to certain medicines.

The gastroenteritis viral es one of the most common, caused by norovirus or rotavirus, followed by bacterial gastroenteritis, caused by bacteria Salmonella, Campylobacter, Escherichia coli (E.coli), Shiagella or Yersinia enterocolitica. Refering to parasitic gastroenteritishe Cryptosporidium o to Giardiaare some of the parasites related to this type of gut inflammation.

What is gastroenteritis: what health problems is it confused with?/ Photo: iStock

In the same way as a flu, the gastroenteritis viral it can be easily spread to other people through direct contact with droplets, touching a contaminated surface, eating or drinking food that contains the germs of a sick person, hence the importance of frequent hand washingsince it is capable of reducing the disease by up to 80 percent.

What are the first symptoms of gastroenteritis?

He abdominal pain Accompanied by diarrhea are some of the main gastroenteritis symptomsbut also colic, nausea, vomiting and, in some cases, fever and severe dehydration, causing extreme thirst, reduced urine production, darker color, sunken cheeks and eyes, as well as general weakness .

What is gastroenteritis confused with?

By causing such intense pain at the level of the navel, the gastroenteritis can be confused at first with others health problems, for example, with irritable bowel syndrome, better known as colitis, Crohn’s disease, celiac disease, ulcerative colitis or even appendicitis because these health problems share similar symptoms.

What is gastroenteritis: what health problems is it confused with?/ Photo: iStock

Except that the gastroenteritis His symptoms usually worsen at night, since at the end of the day the activity of the immune system, releasing chemicals to fight infectionsin turn, the symptoms that accompany the inflammation are intensified.

now that you know what is gastroenteritis and why is it confused with others health problems, do not forget to wash your hands constantly to reduce the probability of contracting it. Take care of yourself!

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If you are interested in knowing which natural remedies are effective against intestinal parasites, Stay and watch the next video.

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