What is happening in the entity? – The financial 2024-04-11 02:26:22

by time news

The United States Embassy in Mexico issued a travel alert for Ocozocoautla, Chiapas. In a statement, the diplomatic authorities indicated to their citizens that reaching this destination is dangerous, after the violent events that have occurred in recent months.

”We are aware of reports in the media on increased security activity in the municipality of Ocozocoautla, Chiapas,” they expressed.

They explained that United States Government employees receive instructions from Avoid the area until further notice.

The State Department Travel Advisory for Chiapas it is level 2indicating that Americans should exercise greater caution if they are in that area.

Furthermore, the recommendations of US authorities are: monitor local media for updates, follow directions from local authorities; In an emergency, they can call 911 and have friends and family notified of your location and safety.

What is happening in Chiapas?

On Sunday, March 31, a confrontation took place between a criminal group and the National Guard, where at least 25 people died, in the Niño Héroes community, in the municipality of La Concordia, in Chiapas.

In this community, criminal groups They have left a trail of riddled people, as well as burned vehicles, looted ranches and displaced civilians.

Added to this violent event was the attack on Gabriel Orantes Villatorocandidate for Morena’s candidacy for the municipal presidency of San Fernandoa municipality conurbated with the capital of Chiapas.

The attack by criminals occurred while he was traveling in his truck. It is added, in the electoral context, that the candidate for the Senate of the Republic for the coalition formed by the PRI-PAN-PRD, Willy Ochoareported having been the victim of an attempted kidnapping in the municipality of Las Rosas.

Also, in January recorded the murder of the pre-candidate of the PRI-PRD-PAN alliance for the municipal presidency of Suchiapa; In addition, an electoral promoter was attacked, and two electoral officials were threatened.

The clashes in different communities around the Angostura dam, near one of the main irregular crossings for migrants from Guatemala, are the latest in a series of clashes that have taken place for months throughout this border region due to the fight that the Sinaloa Cartel and the Jalisco Nueva Generación Cartel (CJNG) maintain to control strategic territories for the trafficking of migrants, weapons and drugs.

On Tuesday, April 9, the flag was given to begin the Deployment of Units to Reinforce “Operation Safe Chiapas” that will be implemented in coordination with authorities from the three levels of government in the regions. Center and Frailesca of the state of Chiapaswith the objective of guaranteeing governability, peace and security of the people of Chiapas.

With information from Ángeles Mariscal and AP.

2024-04-11 02:26:22

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