What is hyperbaric medicine and why are oxygen pressure chambers useful? | The doctor

by time news

2023-06-03 20:59:50

What is hyperbaric medicine? What is an oxygen pressure cell? How do pressure cells work? What is the effect of oxygen cells at high atmospheric pressure? What evidence is there regarding a pressure chamber – studies and clinical information? How do oxygen pressure cells affect the body? A pressure chamber has various advantages that appear in studies. Do stress cells have a negative effect on the body? What are the possible damages of oxygen pressure cells?

What is hyperbaric medicine and why are oxygen pressure chambers useful? Photo: Michael Schwarzenberger Pixabay

What is hyperbaric medicine? Hyperbaric medicine It is a branch of medical treatment that includes the therapeutic use of oxygen at a higher than normal atmospheric pressure, usually between 1.4 and 2 atmospheres. This is compared to the normal pressure we find in everyday life outside a pressure chamber of one atmosphere. The name hyperbaric medicine comes from the word HYPER meaning high or very much and the word BARIC or the word BAR which is atmospheric pressure. And what is a pressure chamber? Oxygen pressure chamber – a pressure chamber in hyperbaric medicine is a chamber composed of materials such as metal or even pressure-resistant sheets, which seal the space so that it is possible to raise the pressure above one atmosphere stably. A pressure chamber is based on the principle that increased pressure can improve the supply of oxygen to tissues in the body.

In a pressure chamber, one person or several people are put into a chamber with high atmospheric pressure, for example, for an hour to an hour and a half. During the treatment, the patient wears an oxygen mask that supplies him with the gas at a high concentration. Before the treatment, the patient meets with a doctor who advises the patient according to his medical condition and examines the suitability of the treatment according to the patient’s condition, background diseases, risks, characteristics and thus optimal treatment is offered. Often the number of treatments offered is between 20 and 60.

Why are pressure cells useful? Pressure chamber – advantages

There are various advantages to using a pressure chamber. So what on an empirical level is the evidence regarding cells – studies and academic reviews that indicate effectiveness? Pressure Why are oxygen pressure chambers useful? What are the advantages of a pressure chamber? What is the medical benefit of pressure cells? What uses do pressurized oxygen cells help? Hyperbaric oxygen therapy (HBOT) is the primary application of hyperbaric medicine. It is used to treat various medical conditions, such as:

  • Decompression sickness: A condition that occurs when dissolved gases (usually nitrogen) form bubbles in the bloodstream and tissues due to rapid changes in pressure. A condition often seen occurring among divers.
  • Carbon monoxide poisoning: A pressure chamber helps to quickly remove carbon monoxide from the bloodstream and improve the supply of oxygen to body tissues.
  • Non-healing wounds: Stress cells promote healing in healing wounds such as diabetic foot ulcers or tissue damage caused by radiation.
  • Radiation damage: A pressure chamber can help manage the side effects of radiation therapy, such as tissue damage in cancer patients.
  • Stopping and delaying the development of infections: Using stress cells may inhibit the growth of certain bacteria and help fight infections.
  • Tissue transplants: HBOT pressure chamber therapy can improve the success rate of certain surgical procedures that involve transferring tissue to damaged areas.

Hyperbaric medicine is usually performed in special facilities with trained medical staff. Treatment protocols vary depending on the patient’s condition, and the number and duration of sessions can vary as well. We note again that hyperbaric medicine is a special treatment and should only be administered under the supervision of qualified health professionals.

Pressure chamber – risks

Research findings indicate a risk of injury, side effects and damages due to pressure chamber treatment. Among other things, a drop in sugar levels, weakness, fatigue, damage to the ear, effect on the sinuses, damage to the heart muscle, health problems, oxygen poisoning, dental pressure and vision problems. In view of this, it is important to get medical advice before and during the use of a pressure chamber. Although, hyperbaric medicine is a promising direction in the treatment of many medical problems. However, in view of the possible side effects and damages, it is important to examine the suitability of the treatment for the patient’s characteristics and condition, to consider whether the treatment may be harmful and to what extent, and to accompany the patient in the pressure chamber during the treatment with ongoing monitoring.

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