What is intravenous laser therapy (IV Laser Therapy) and what kind of treatment is it suitable for?

by time news

When talking about the word IV (Intravenous) in the clinic, I believe that many people think of giving vitamins through the intravenous line first, but in fact, there are still “IV Laser Therapy” Or the projection of a beam of light directly into the vein as well. What is this innovation? What are the advantages? and who is it suitable for? Find out with HELLO! Beauty & Health!

Intravenous Laser Therapy is the delivery of a beam of light through blood vessels to the specific area to be treated. without damaging the surrounding area There is research confirming that IV Laser can increase the efficiency of the immune system. by stimulating the production of white blood cells The body is therefore more resistant to viruses and bacteria. Including stimulating the metabolic system (Metabolism), the body therefore feels more energetic. It also helps to balance the water in the body. stimulate the circulatory system pain relief and can reduce inflammation within the body as well

Normally, when doing IV Laser, the doctor has to choose the color of the beam. To be suitable for the problems or concerns of those who receive the service Currently, there are mainly 4 colors of beam.

  1. red light: Stimulates the production of ATP, which is an important substance in generating energy for cells. It helps the cells in the body to be healthy, restore itself, the circulatory system works better. Stimulate the immune system in the body including stimulating the secretion of melatonin Therefore suitable for those who are difficult to sleep. or feeling tired
  2. yellow light: Stimulates the secretion of the hormone serotonin (Serotonin) or the substance of happiness. Yellow light is therefore ideal for relieving stress and anxiety. including those with depression It also stimulates the production of Vitamin D, which helps strengthen bones and joints. Ready to stimulate the immune system. and can prevent viral infections as well Therefore suitable for people with bone problems Or those who want to prevent infection with various diseases such as COVID-19 etc.
  3. blue light: With the ability to eliminate bacteria and viruses thus reducing inflammation within the body and contributes to anti-aging Including reducing the risk of diabetes. and helps strengthen the nervous system and brain encourage the use of cause and effect suitable for those who are at risk of diabetes Patients with infectious diseases or those who want to slow down aging
  4. green light: Stimulate cell self-repair to reduce inflammation within the body by being able to prevent infection Relieves swelling or wounds that are inflamed It has also been used to treat patients with infectious tumors. In addition, green light helps balance the water level in the body. It is suitable for people with various inflammations in the body or in dehydration. (Dehydration)

IV Laser Therapy treatment takes 15-40 minutes per session and should be attended at least 7-12 times continuously. with a distance of 1-2 days each time In doing such procedures, one should choose a hospital that meets standards. and done by a medical professional for the best treatment efficiency Which hospitals and clinics at HELLO! Selected to be where? Prepare to reserve the queue.

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Weber Laser Program from VitalLife Scientific Wellness Center

Weber Laser Program from VitalLife Scientific Wellness Center

Price 5,000 baht per time


IV Laser Therapy Program from Klaire Medical Center

IV Laser Therapy Program from Klaire Medical Center

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Endolaser Program from Apex Medical Center

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IV Laser program from Panacee Hospital

IV Laser program from Panacee Hospital

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