What is it for? How do you act? Do you lose weight?

by time news

2023-09-05 09:30:00


Published: 05/09/2023Last updated: 05/09/2023

Published: 05/09/2023Last updated: 05/09/2023

Ozempic should be purchased and used only under medical advice.

Ozempic is a medication that contains semaglutide as an active ingredient and is used in the treatment of type 2 diabetes (ICD E11).

This disorder is characterized by high levels of glucose in the blood, and one of the ways to control the disease is through the medicine based on semaglutide.

In addition to this use provided for in the package insert, Ozempic can also be used in weight reduction processes in patients diagnosed with obesity or overweight.

To understand more about how it works and what its functions are, continue reading this article.


What is Ozempic and what is it for?How does it act in the body?Does Ozempic help with weight loss?What are its side effects?What are the contraindications and risks of Ozempic?

What is Ozempic and what is it for?

Ozempic is the trade name of the drug made with the active ingredient called semaglutide. This substance can also be found in other medicines, such as Wegovy and Rybelsus.

Ozempic was developed to treat type 2 diabetes and can be used as a stand-alone or secondary treatment alongside other medicines.

Its use is through an injectable solution presented in an instrument similar to a pen, with a needle at the tip that must be inserted into the skin. Through this instrument, the dose to be applied can be determined.

Administration can be done by the patient himself, however, medical orders must be strictly followed.

Read more: Diabetes Day: see 7 frequently asked questions about the disease

How does it act in the body?

Ozempic works in a similar way to GLP-1, which is a hormone produced in the gut. This, in turn, helps the body create more insulin and reduce the amount of glucose released from the liver.

Thus, the drug collaborates to keep these rates balanced in people with type 2 diabetes, controlling the disease.

Does Ozempic help with weight loss?

Yes, in addition to the relationship with insulin and glucose, it was discovered that Ozempic also influences weight loss. The action of its active principle includes an increase in food digestion time and a decrease in appetite.

It is important to highlight that the medicine is not able to promote fat loss. In practice, its action favors the reduction of hunger and a decrease in food intake.

After the discovery of this effect, studies began to be carried out in patients diagnosed with obesity or overweight. It was understood that Ozempic can be included in some slimming treatments, as long as it is associated with other related measures, and always with medical guidance and follow-up.

The drug leaflet still presents the treatment of type 2 diabetes as the only one for which it is indicated. However, in Brazil, the Federal Council of Medicine and ANVISA allow the off-label use of Ozempic in obesity treatments, that is, it can be used for this purpose, even if it is not on the package insert.

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What are its side effects?

Ozempic can cause some side effects, such as:

Nausea or vomiting; Diarrhea; Low blood sugar levels (hypoglycemia), when ingested along with some types of medications; Indigestion; Gastritis; Reflux; Stomach pain or swelling.

In addition to these reactions, among many others, there is also the risk of more serious side effects, such as eye complications and inflammation of the pancreas.

What are the contraindications and risks of Ozempic?

Ozempic is mainly contraindicated for people who are allergic to semaglutide, people with type 1 diabetes or diagnosed with diabetic ketoacidosis, pregnant and breastfeeding women.

In addition to these, other conditions may also prevent the use of the drug. That is why it is important that the use is made only after clinical analysis and with medical follow-up.

Misusing Ozempic or other semaglutide-based medicines has several risks, such as an increased chance of side effects and the severity of these reactions.

It is important to highlight that, despite Ozempic being released to contribute to weight loss processes in overweight people, its use is not recommended for aesthetic treatments.

First, there must be a diagnosis of obesity or overweight so that the professionals who follow the case can define the most appropriate treatment and, if necessary, indicate the medication.

Self-medication is always a dangerous decision. People who want to reduce weight should follow up with professionals in related areas and seek a change in habits.

If Ozempic is used for this purpose without any follow-up or without other complementary measures, such as a balanced diet and physical exercises, it may only cause a reduction in lean mass, without fat burning, and the weight lost may return when the medicine is not used. more ingested.

Use without medical recommendation exposes patients to the risks of the drug, which can be serious, without compensating benefits.

Ozempic is an important drug for treating people diagnosed with type 2 diabetes. But like any drug, it needs to be used under a doctor’s prescription, and the patient needs to follow the instructions provided.

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