What is novation and how can you benefit from a mortgage?

by time news

2023-06-30 01:45:47

Novation is a legal term used to refer to modifying or changing the terms of an existing mortgage contract. In the realm of mortgages, novation allows mortgage holders to adjust the terms of their loan to accommodate new circumstances. Next, we will explore in detail what novation is, how it applies to mortgages and what are the key aspects that you should take into account.

What is novation?

Novation is the term that refers to the modification or change of the conditions of an existing contract. It implies the substitution of an obligation for a new one, with the aim of adapting the contract to new circumstances or agreements between the parties involved.

Novation is used in a wide variety of contracts, such as loans, leases, employment contracts, among others. The modifications made can cover different aspects of the contract, such as the amount of money involved, payment terms, interest, guarantees or obligations.

It is important to note that the novation is only valid when all parties involved agree to the proposed changes and there is a clear intention to modify the original contract. Therefore, it is necessary to document this modification through a novation contract, which establishes the updated terms and conditions.

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Documentation needed to make a novation

To carry out this process, it is necessary to formalize the agreed changes through a novation contract.. This document clearly and precisely establishes the modifications that will be made to the original contract, thus guaranteeing the validity and legality of the process.

These are the Documents needed for a novation contract:

original contract: The original contract that is sought to be modified through the novation is a fundamental document. This contract must contain the original terms and conditions of the mortgage loan.

Novation request: You must include detailed information about the suggested changes and the reasons for requesting the change.

Identification documents: Valid identification documents of all parties involved in the novation must be provided, such as copies of identity card or passport.

Updated financial statements: Income statements and bank account statements, to assess the ability to pay and determine the viability of the novation.

Property appraisal: An updated appraisal of the mortgaged property may be required to assess its current value and determine your eligibility for novation. One of the ways to find out the price is through online appraisal tools, such as the one offered by RealAdvisor.

Legal documents: Depending on local laws and regulations, certain additional legal documents may be required, such as powers of attorney, marriage certificates, or legal representation documents.

How does a mortgage novation work? Steps to follow

The steps to follow to process a mortgage novation, always following the regulations and laws, are the following:

1. Evaluate your financial situation

Before starting the novation process, it is important evaluate your current financial situation and determine why you want to modify the conditions of your mortgage. Consider factors such as changes in your income, the need to reduce the monthly fee or seek better financing conditions.

2. Contact the bank

Once you have decided that you want to carry out a mortgage novation, you must Contact your bank or financial institution. Ask for information about the novation process and the specific requirements you must meet. Gather the necessary documentation

3. Analyze the viability of the novation

The lender will proceed to make a analysis to assess the viability of the mortgage novation. This involves reviewing your credit history, ability to pay, and other relevant factors. It will also determine if you meet the requirements established by the lender for the novation.

4. Negotiate the terms of the novation

Once the viability of the novation has been determined, it is time to negotiate the terms and conditions of the modification. This may include the loan amount, interest rate, repayment term, or other things you want to change about your mortgage.

5. Drafting and signing of the novation contract

Once an agreement is reached on the terms, will draw up a novation contract. This document will clearly establish the agreed changes and the obligations of both parties. It is advisable to seek legal advice to ensure that the contract meets all legal requirements and reflects the agreements reached. Make sure you fully understand the terms and conditions before signing the contract.

6. Registration and notification

Depending on local laws, it may be necessary to register the novation contract with the corresponding mortgage registry office. It may also be necessary to notify other interested parties, such as insurance companies or notaries, depending on applicable regulations.

What expenses does a mortgage novation have?

Los Mortgage renewal fees may vary depending on the financial entity and the specific contract. Some of the common costs associated with this process are:

Commissions for change of conditions. Bank fees. Notary fees. Tax on documented legal acts. Registration fees. Management expenses.

However, before starting the novation process, it is advisable to use an expense simulator or calculator. In this way, you will be able to obtain an accurate estimate of the expenses and assess whether it is a financially viable option for you.

Mortgage novation vs. Mortgage subrogation: what are the differences and similarities?

The novation and mortgage subrogation are two concepts related to the modification of a mortgage loan, but they differ in their approach and process.

Here are the key differences between novation and mortgage subrogation:

key difference

IIt involves modifying the terms of an existing loanand. In this process, terms such as interest, repayment terms and payment installments can be changed. Instead, Mortgage subrogation involves a new lender assuming the current loan and replace it with a new one, with more favorable conditions


Mortgage contract modifications are made between the original lender and the borrower. Instead, In mortgage subrogation, the new lender also comes into play.


In the mortgage novation, a new contract is drawn up that replaces the original contract, and the changes are agreed between the lender and the borrower. In mortgage subrogation, the new lender pays off the existing debt and establishes a new contract with more favorable conditions. As a result, the borrower is released from the previous mortgage.


Mortgage novation and subrogation have similar associated expenses. Among them are the commissions for the change of conditions, notary fees, registration fees and management expenses.


With mortgage subrogation, the new lender becomes the mortgagee, assuming the rights and responsibilities of the mortgage loan. While in novation, the original lender remains the same and maintains their position as mortgagee

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Key aspects

Novation is a legally recognized tool that allows different parties to make modifications to existing contracts, especially in the mortgage field. Mortgage novation gives homeowners the opportunity to adjust the terms of their loan to accommodate new financial situations. When considering a mortgage novation, it is essential to understand the key aspects involved, such as novation contracts, associated expenses, and the importance of using simulators or calculators to assess financial viability.


General Council of Notaries – Mortgages and loans

Legal Concepts – novation

BOE – Law 2/1994 of March 30, on subrogation and modification of mortgage loans.

#novation #benefit #mortgage

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