What is overactive bladder, one of the new side effects of the coronavirus vaccine

by time news


Updated:05/31/2022 11:31h


As vaccination against covid continues to advance throughout the world, progress is also being made in research into the virus and inoculations to the population, both due to the immunity offered by the vaccine and its side effects. A report published by the Postgraduate Institute of Clinical Medicine at Kaohsiung Medical University in Taiwan has reported new effects associated with the urinary tract.

Specifically, it has been found that in a percentage of the population, “urinary urgency and frequency after coronavirus vaccination” are affected. “Although further prospective studies are needed to prove the causal association between the vaccine and post-vaccination urinary symptoms, we suggest that stored LUTS be closely monitored after Covid vaccination, especially in those already suffering from bladder symptoms. hyperactive, and seek medical assistance if necessary, ”says the report.

Of the 889 volunteers who participated in the study and who had not undergone urological procedures in the last three months, 65.9% received the Astrazeneca vaccine, 29.2% the Pfizer-Biontech vaccine, and the rest the Pfizer-Biontech vaccine. Modern.

In total, 13.4% of those vaccinated developed alterations related to urine storage.

What is overactive bladder?

Overactive bladder, also called OAB, causes a sudden and frequent need to urinate that can be difficult to control, more than eight times in 24 hours or waking up more than twice a night from the need to go to the bathroom can be a symptom of overactive bladder.

This can cause unintentional leaks, or what is the same, urge incontinence. There are treatments that can help people who manifest this disorder, so when in doubt, it is best to consult a doctor.

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