What is pneumonia? | Greeting

by time news

2023-11-20 22:32:11

The pneumonia It is a mild respiratory infection that affects the lungs and is caused by viruses, bacteria and fungi. The lungs are made up of small sacs, called alveoli, which are affected when one is sick with pneumonia.

How is pneumonia transmitted?

Pneumonia is generally transmitted by close contact with people sick, when the healthy person inhales the saliva droplets of a sick person when coughing or sneezing.

Additionally, some viruses are transmitted through contact with contaminated surfaces with these respiratory secretions.

Main symptoms of the disease

It would be necessary to differentiate according to the patient. In children, generally, the symptoms of pneumonia are:

Rapid breathing or difficulty breathing Cough Chills Fever Loss of appetite

In it infantother symptoms may also occur such as: decreased body temperature, drowsiness or seizures (which are generally associated with cases of severe illness).

In adultsthe symptoms of pneumonia may be different from those of children and in the elderly, it may occur without fever.

Is there treatment for pneumonia?

This disease can be treated with antibiotics, which must be prescribed by a doctor in health centers. Although it must be remembered that not all acute respiratory infection is pneumonia nor do all cases require antibiotic treatment.

Factors that predispose a person to get sick

Some of the factors that favor the appearance of the disease are the following:

Malnutrition or malnutrition Smoke from wood, dung, champagne or other inputs used to cook or heat the home Living in poorly ventilated homes
Presence of diseases such as measles, asthma, acute diarrheal diseases or others Cigarette smoke

Preventive actions at home for pneumonia

Some tips to keep in mind and that can be carried out at home to prevent the appearance of autonomy, you can cover your mouth with a tissue or your forearm when coughing or sneezing; wash your hands well and frequently; use improved or gas stoves; I will feed fruits and vegetables (vitamin C) to strengthen the body’s defenses and avoid contact with other sick people.

#pneumonia #Greeting

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