What is Rodrigo Ímaz’s Tropics of Modernity expo about?

by times news cr

2024-04-19 15:57:01

The visual artist Rodrigo Ímaz presents his new exhibition Tropics of Modernity in the Contemporary Cell of the University of the Sor Juana Cloister.

Rodrigo Ímaz’s new exhibition contrasts the contemporary with the modern, consisting of 21 pieces of sculpture, painting, drawing and engraving; as well as video that are intertwined in the space of the Sor Juana Cloister.

In accordance with Aldo Sanchezcurator of the Tropics of Modernity expothe exhibition alludes to the tropics of Cancer and Capricorn as a metaphor for the opposites of modernity.

Tropics of Modernity: Rodrigo Ímaz compares restlessness with modern concern

The visual artist and filmmaker Rodrigo Ímaz presents the Tropics of Modernity expo in the Contemporary Cell of the University of the Claustro de Sor Juana from April 11.

This exhibition consists of 21 pieces conceived with traditional techniques such as:

  • sculpture
  • paint
  • drawing
  • Recorded

Likewise, they are linked to contemporary artistic techniques such as installation and video.

Aldo Sánchez highlighted that Rodrigo Ímaz is a profoundly modern artist that “lives in the contemporary world for a temporal reason,” but at the same time “is modern in its interests and practices.”

“His interests, both in Renaissance art, in the great masters of Renaissance art and in the great masters of modern art, is what influences and shapes much of his work, something on which, to a large extent, he reflects from his work”

Aldo Sánchez, curator of Trópicos de la Modernidad

The curator assured that, in a time of uncertainty, like the one we are currently experiencing, Ímaz, with pieces like the flooded Olmec head or the drowning Mexican flag; which are part of the exhibition, very well represents that restlessness that, in the end, has to do with a modern concern.

Tropics of Modernity by Rodrigo Ímaz shows the dichotomy of the contemporary

The exhibition Tropics of Modernity It is divided into two parts where Rodrigo Ímaz reflects on the “ready-made” and the appreciation of the old.

In the first of the exhibition, the artist reflects on the influences of “ready-made”, A term invented by the French artist Marcel Duchamp that refers to the exhibition of everyday objects and massive industrial manufacture, conceived as artistic pieces.

In the work of Rodrigo Ímaz, this is represented with the piece of the tricycle, with which he refers to other ideas so that “a tricycle will not be a tricycle” but at the same time it continues to be just a tricycle.

“And yes, at the same time they continue to be a tricycle, or in the case of other pieces like a ball, or a castle, that they continue to be what we see, the signified-signifier dichotomy is distorted (while it becomes virtuous) , since these artifacts refer us to Renaissance portents, to Greco-Roman classicist sculpture or to hope, respectively, since, for example, this three-wheeled vehicle is related to the novel and fanciful inventions of Leonardo da Vinci.”

Aldo Sánchez, curator of Trópicos de la Modernidad

On the other hand, in the second part of Rodrigo Ímaz’s exhibition Trópicos de la Modernidad, explores with works such as the Olmec head flooding, the use of pre-Hispanic icons, above all, to support the discourse of the mestizo nation project.

With this we talk about himthe current appreciation of the oldas if the human being, not exclusively the Mexican, has to hold on to the past to justify its relevance.

In this section, explained Aldo Sánchez, Rodrigo’s work awakens immediate empathy in the national viewer, when appreciating not only these pre-Hispanic icons, but also images of:

  • Members of the Zapatista National Liberation Army (EZLN)
  • Popocatepetl volcano
  • Iztaccíhuatl Volcano

“Rodrigo Ímaz is a multidisciplinary artist, something not very common nowadays, since normally creators focus on a particular artistic technique or use several, but only as a way of communicating an idea, while he is a great draftsman, engraver, painter and sculptor, who explores these creative media, like a Renaissance artist or a modern artist, based on his knowledge and skills.”

Aldo Sánchez, curator of Trópicos de la Modernidad

2024-04-19 15:57:01

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