What is SIBO and how to treat it

by time news

2023-08-03 16:46:32

A few days ago, the actress Araceli Gonzalez He stated on his social networks that he was diagnosed with the disease. “I have just been diagnosed SIBO”, expressed the ex-couple of Adrian Suar to his followers and added: “I took it very calmly. The truth is that receiving the diagnosis did not stress me out because, honestly, when you already know that you have it, you can deal with it accordingly and that is what is happening to me now.

“It is important to note that the SIBO (Small Intestine Bacterial Overgrowth) It is not a fad, but a digestive disorder that has been recognized and studied by health professionals for a long time. Although in recent years there has been an increase in research, dissemination and attention regarding the intestine and its neurobiology, this does not mean that SIBO is a new condition”, explained the Dr. Luis Carogastroenterologist and president of the GEDYT Foundation.

Besides, Tomás FeijoóDirector of Programs of the foundation, explained: “It is a bacterial overgrowth. This is generated at the expense of the intestinal flora that is normally found in the digestive tract. To this can be added the presence of a slight distension or gases that are normally in the large intestine. It is normal for bacteria to exist in the digestive tract, but in numbers and varieties that must be kept limited. When there is an excessive growth in the bacterial population in the small intestine, we speak of SIBO”.

According to specialists, the fact that SIBO is being heard more today is largely due to advances in technology and increased awareness about the importance of the balance of the intestinal flora In the health. The availability of more precise and specific tests has allowed better detection of this condition. It is necessary toperform a complete and detailed history and physical examination. There are tests such as therapeutic trials with antibiotics, small bowel aspiration and subsequent culture, and the exhaled breath test, which measures the gases generated by bacterial fermentation.

“You always have to evaluate the underlying causes that produce it, from the inappropriate and prolonged use of antibiotics to food intolerances. These analyzes do not last more than 3 hours. It is important to clarify that, in the event of any symptom, a specialist doctor should always be consulted”, explained Feijoó.

Research indicates that there are some factors that may help increase the risk of developing SIBO, including: having undergone gastric surgery; have a structural defect or injury in the small intestine, have diseases such as Crohn’s, Diabetes, intestinal lymphomas or scleroderma, diverticulosis, and adhesions caused by previous abdominal surgery.

“Symptoms are bloating, followed by pain. This occurs because the bacteria ferment nutrients from the diet, resulting in an exaggeration of their normal functions such as gas production, leading to the appearance of bloating, followed by pain from the effect of excess gas on the intestinal walls. This can go independently with diarrhea or constipation depending on what types of bacteria and how they developed”, warned the academic and research foundation.

Regarding treatments, Feijoó specified: “Normally, treated with specific antibiotics for bacteria associated with SIBO, to then supplement with some appropriate probiotics for each patient. With the antibiotics, the bacteria are eliminated in number, variety and quantity, these bacteria are generators of hydrogen and methane, which are the ones that cause the distension of the intestine and abdomen. The treatment time depends on how each patient evolves. It is important to regularly monitor the patient to adjust the treatment in each case”.

by RN

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