What is supercompensation?

by time news

2023-10-26 11:19:13
It is an important principle in physical training that describes the process by which the body adapts and improves in response to exercise-induced stress.It is a key concept in training planningsince it allows us to design effective exercise programs for the development of strength, resistance and physical condition in general.

What is supercompensation training?

This concept refers to the body’s response to exercise-induced stressas well as the crucial need for a adequate rest period to maximize the benefits of said effort.

It is the process by which the body adapts and improves in response to the stress caused by exercise.

After a training session, the body enters a state of fatigue and exhaustion, resulting in minor muscle damage and a decrease in energy levels. However, what follows this fatigue phase is crucial: the recovery period.

During recovery, the body not only returns to its baseline state, but tends to overcompensate.

This means that, in its attempt to adapt and be better prepared for future challenges, the body raises its levels of strength, endurance or aerobic capacity above initial levels.

In other words, supercompensation is the process by which our body becomes stronger and more resilient in response to the stress of training.

What is Weigner’s Law or supercompensation principle?

Weigner’s law is an essential concept in the field of training and exercise planning.

This principle, developed by German physiologist Hans Weigner, states that the body’s process of improvement and adaptation in response to exercise follows a predictable sequence, consisting of three key phases: the principle of repetition, the principle of summation, and the principle of duration.

Repetition principle: Establishes that, for an adaptation or improvement in physical performance to occur, it is necessary to repeat a specific stimulus or training regularly and consistently. In other words, it is not enough to do a physical activity or exercise just once to achieve a lasting change in fitness.

The principle of repetition highlights the importance of consistency in training. By regularly applying a training stimulus, such as lifting weights or running, the body gradually adapts to that stimulus. This results in an increase in strength, endurance or physical abilities in response to repeated and controlled stress.

Addition principle: The second phase of Weigner’s Law states that Cumulative physiological adaptations occur over time as the organism faces training stimuli in succession. In other words, the body not only adapts to an individual stimulus, but also accumulates benefits and improvements as it is subjected to a series of stimuli over multiple training sessions.

This principle highlights the need for progression because as the body adapts to an initial training stimulus, it is important to increase the intensity, load or duration to continue challenging the body and continue to accumulate improvements.

Addition principle: This principle establishes that, for physiological adaptations to be lasting, it is necessary to maintain an adequate level of activity or training over time. If training is interrupted for a long period of time, the body will begin to lose some of the adaptations gained.

The summation principle highlights the importance of long-term consistency in training. Maintaining a regular and sustained exercise routine over time is essential to preserve and maximize the adaptations achieved.

Phases of supercompensation


During which energy reserves decrease and damage occurs to cells and tissues.

Recovery and rest

Immediately after training, when the body begins to repair muscle damage and replenish energy reserves.


Where the body not only recovers its previous level of physical condition, but adapts to withstand a similar effort in the future, which increases performance.


Either you repeat the cycle again after your own recovery and rest, and continue improving, or if you do not train within this phase again your performance will return to the starting box.

Tips for Implementing Supercompensation

How can you take advantage of the supercompensation principle? It is essential that you pay attention to these tips to implement supercompensation:

Gradual progression: Intensity variability, including periods of high intensity followed by periods of active recovery or rest. This ensures that your body experiences enough stress. Increase the intensity, duration or training load gradually as your body adapts.Training cycles, divide your plan into loading and unloading cycles: During the loading cycle, focus on increasing the intensity; During the discharge cycle, it allows recovery and supercompensation. To plan this you should always be guided by a good professional.Appropriate timing: Retraining during the supercompensation phase is essential to optimize the benefits of this cycle. But don’t get ahead of yourself!Importance of nutrition: Eat a diet with enough nutrients to repair muscle tissue and replenish energy reserves, and make sure to maintain adequate hydration.Quality rest: Sleep is essential for repairing tissues.Food Complements: Consider taking products that help supplement caloric and protein requirements and improve recovery, such as:

Whey Protein

Post-workout Recovery


Avoid overtraining

If you identify signs such as chronic fatigue, constantly feeling unmotivated and low on energy it could be a sign that you are overtraining.

Loss of strength and/or performance:If you notice a significant decrease in your strength and performance during your regular workouts, it’s time to pay attention.Difficulty recovering: Lack of proper recovery between sessions can lead to overtraining.Changes in Sleep and Mood: Insomnia, mood changes such as irritability and anxiety can be warning signs.

We recommend implementing intelligent planning, designing a training program that includes loading and unloading cycles to avoid constant overexertion.

Listen to your body: Pay attention to your body’s signals. If you feel like you haven’t fully recovered, adjust your training or take a rest day.Proper nutrition: Eat a balanced diet to support recovery. Make sure you get enough protein, carbohydrates and healthy fats.Rest and sleep: Quality night’s rest is essential. Get enough sleep and maintain a regular sleep routine.

The supercompensationTherefore, we know that it is a crucial component for training successbut it requires a balanced approach that includes proper intensity, gradual progression, proper nutrition, and night’s rest.

By following these tips that we have been developing and using a quality supplement, you can get the most out of your training program and experience significant improvements in your performance.

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