What is the background behind the Ayodhya film story controversy? Illustrated by Madhavraj, S. Ramakrishnan

by time news

Vini Sarpana

In the context of ‘Ayodhi’, an emotional film that promotes humanity across language, race and religion, which is gathering praise, writer Madhavaraj has accused the film industry and writing circles of saying, “That story is mine. Writer S. Ramakrishnan has copied it line by line.”

“Ayodhi” directed by Mantra Murthy starring Sasikumar. Writer S. Ramakrishnan is credited as the film’s story on the film’s title card. “There has never been such a story in Tamil cinema. Controversies have started to arise as to whose story the film ‘Ayodhi’ belongs to, in the context where it is being received as a different kind of cinema.

In this case, the writer Madhavaraj who has accused S.Ra and the accused writer S. I also contacted Ramakrishnan and spoke. On what basis do you make such an allegation? When the writer asked Madhavaraj,

Writer Madhavraj

“Our Pandyan Grama Bank Employees Association is functioning all over India under different names. The general secretary of its union in Bihar called me and said, ‘The wife of our bank employee who came from Bihar to Rameswaram with her family has died in an accident. Can they help that family?’ he asked. Then, as I was in a meeting, I sent my friends Samuel Jythikumar and Suresh Babu. They also cried after doing all the help and telling about the hardships.

I wrote about this humanitarian act of friends in our bank magazine. Everyone was moved and appreciated. In 2011, I also wrote a story on my ‘Inexhaustible Pages’ website. That story, without my permission, has now been released as a film.

I saw it because my friends asked me to watch the film saying, ‘Ayodhi is like your story’. It was a big shock. They have taken the Bihar story I wrote in 2011 as Ayodhya. It was even more shocking when I was told that this story was written by S.Ra. Because S.Ra is our villager. I have a very good habit. I felt sad that a man who knew so much did not speak a single word to us about the story.

Samuel Jyothikumar and Suresh Babu

In reality, Suresh Babu, who helped the Bihar family, sent a message on WhatsApp to S. Rao telling him what had happened in the last two days. But S.Ra blocked it without giving any answer. Following this I also contacted and messaged S. Rao. He could have answered the phone and said ‘I don’t know what you wrote Madhavraj’. But there was no response from him; He doesn’t want to talk to us.

S. Ra has copied my story and made only a few changes. Line by line remains the same. S. Rao could not have written this story without reading my story.

Sankardas, who initially wrote the screenplay for this film, also said, ‘When he came to me to write the screenplay, S. Rao had written it as Bihar family. I changed it to Sanathana family from Ayodhya.’ Accordingly, it is certain that this is my story. But S.Ra did not adhere to virtue and honesty,” he alleged.

“I liked the film. It is a story that shows what Tamils ​​are like in today’s environment where rumors are spreading that North Indians are being attacked. I appreciate the film; I welcome it. But the film crew may have identified Samuel Jyothikumar and Suresh Babu, who helped the Bihar family. In many films, they identify when adapting a true story. If only I knew that my story is being made into a film. This is what I would have emphasized to the crew.

Ayodhya movie poster

I have no intention of making a name for myself or making money with this. Do not copy right. Because I also wrote the true story as a story. My only regret is not identifying the real people who helped. It would have been a great boost to the society if it had been marked like that. But it is very sad that only Sasikumar is shown and taken as a fantasy story,” he says in a frustrated voice.

Following this accusation by writer Madhavaraj, I spoke to writer S. Ramakrishnan,

“I strongly deny anyone who claims the story of my film Ayodhya. I wrote the story based on news reports. The film is also said to be based on true events. Every year thousands of pilgrims visit the Rameswaram temple from North India. Some of them die in unexpected road accidents. It can be seen in newspapers.A friend from Madurai gave me the information about such a North Indian family involved in an accident.I wrote this story based on the detailed information given by him.

Writer S. Ramakrishnan

They have thanked him in the film Ayodhya. He has participated in the shoot. When the director wanted to change it to suit the screen, I made a lot of changes in the story. That is today’s film format. The director of the film Mantramoorthy in his interview today confirmed that the story was given by S. Ramakrishnan. They are making these comments with the intention of tarnishing my reputation in order to get publicity for themselves with a successful film. A story is a combination of fact and fiction created by the creator’s artistry. “No creator can write anything if someone claims the rights of road accident and crime news like what they are alleging,” his defense explained.

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