What is the best temperature to sleep well? – time.news

by time news

2023-09-05 08:12:30

in Silvia Turin

Some researchers have measured the sleep variations of a group of elderly people with physical and environmental sensors as the temperature in their bedrooms rises. There is a limit beyond which at least 10% of rest is lost

What is the ideal temperature in the room to sleep well? A study, conducted by Harvard Medical School in Boston, tried to establish this.

The results

In an era of sharp rise in temperatures, net of the use of fans or air conditioners, the researchers measured the effect of the home climate on sleep, especially by examining the weakest category of people, the elderly, who among Others often have more difficulty sleeping.
Scientists noted that the optimal temperature range for more restful sleep was between 20 and 25 C. When temperatures rose (in the experiment) from 25C to 30C, study participants’ sleep efficiency decreased to 10%, a drop that has been shown in previous studies to impair brain performance, increase stress, anxiety and fatigue. The study also found a large difference between people, meaning that everyone has their own optimal temperature range for rest, which can also change over time.

I study

I study, pubblicato su Science of The Total Environment, was conducted in individuals 65 years of age and older. Many sleep studies have been conducted previously, but especially in laboratory settings. This time, indoor air temperature and humidity sensors were mounted in the rooms of the participants, who wore a device to monitor sleep, skin temperature, heart rate and movement. In total, the researchers collected nearly 11,000 per person nights of sleep and environmental data to analyze.

The implications

As we grapple with the broader implications of climate change, we shouldn’t overlook its potential impact on something as fundamental as sleep, wrote Amir Baniassadi, an engineer and health researcher at Harvard Medical School who led the study.
We already know that poor sleep can have lasting effects on our physical and mental health: not getting enough sleep can make you fat, affect mood, the onset (or worsen) of certain conditions (e.g. asthma and hypertension) and, in the long run, falls onlife expectation.

Useful tips

In addition to the fundamental respect for circadian rhythms, some useful tips for sleeping better can be: have regular and more fixed hours as possible, do not drink alcohol, avoid caffeine in the 6 hours before sleep, avoid heavy, spicy or particularly sugary foods for at least 4 hours first, do physical activity regularly, but not just before sleep, avoid noise and light (especially from screens and mobile phones) and… given the study I wrote about, keep the room at the right temperature.

September 5, 2023 (change September 5, 2023 | 08:12)

#temperature #sleep #time.news

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