What is the common cause?

by time news

2024-08-08 00:00:00

There is a topic that is rarely talked about publicly even though it is very common. It’s about misuse what happened when training of doctors. The problem occurs in both universities and hospitals but it seems that no one is interested in offering a solution.

One of the characteristics of being a health professional is I respect it towards the patient. Unfortunately, there are many doctors who do not follow this principle with their colleagues. They seem to enjoy making people suffer. future generation of doctors.

Why do inconsistencies occur during the training of doctors?

As with diseases, in reality there is no cause but instead it is a multifactorial problem. Furthermore, it has started from a saying that has existed for many years: “If I suffered when I was a student, others must suffer as well.”

It all starts from the first semesters Bachelor of medicine. There are some teachers who consider themselves untouchable and are not open to criticism.

Although the worst malpractice during the training of doctors occurs in hospital. During their stay in hospitals, MIPs are at the lowest level on the scheduling chart.

Add to the above is also the misuse that students suffer during the final phase of their degree. Everyone is forced to resist guard of more than 24 hours in a row without rest.

Is medical residency the worst thing for any doctor?

Despite all of the above, every year there are thousands of young people who manage to complete their degree and are ready to use their knowledge for the benefit of patients. Among them there are many participants ENARM to get a place and become a resident.

Many times you think that the most complicated part is taking the test but in reality that is not the case. The really difficult thing happens when you take the position and start serious.

In this case everyone is forced to resist guard of 36 hours followed by work. In some cases the time may even increase although, in theory, such an excess should not occur.

What are the most common punishments that residents suffer?

  • Add a guard
  • For extra class
  • He was not able to go to eat

Furthermore, it is certain that the inhabitant They have no legal figure. Although they must fulfill the functions of student and staff, in reality they are neither one nor the other.

Although without a doubt, the most worrying thing about the issue is related to misuse while training of doctors is that it causes problems in the physical and mental health of young people. Beyond Burnout syndrome It also puts their integrity at risk because there are many incidents that have even led to suicide.

For all of the above, it is so important to finish misuse while training of doctors. Not only is their integrity at risk, but that of the patients as well because ultimately a bad group has been created.

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