One of the traditions most emblematic of the new year is eat 12 grapes while the bells ring that indicate the arrival of the first seconds of the new year.
Like every year, families look to buy grapes, whether green or red al best price in local markets, supermarketsflea markets or collection shops close to homes.
It is normal, as in many other seasonal products that prices increase due to demand that they present to be used in the preparations of Christmas or New Year’s dinners, but at the end of 2024 the grapes have had a special situation which leads to the price increase has shot up a little more, especially in those of national production.
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Here we will tell you some of the higher and cheaper prices that we have found in the sale of grapes in the last days of the year, a few hours before 2024 comes to an end.
Higher grape prices
The green grape continues to be that of higher price compared to the red grapesince before the approach of the holiday season.
Los stalls at local markets of the mayors in the Mexico City are those that present some of the highest prices in the sale of green grapes, offering as maximum price the 200 pesos for a kilo of the aforementioned fruit to descend from the 160 to 130 pesos per kilogram.
The red grape On the other hand, it presents a significantly lower price that puts it in a limit of up to 100 pesos per kiloalthough in chains of supermarkets Some brands of red grapes from the United States soar to the 135 pesos.
For its part, the Federal Consumer Protection Agency (Profeco) reported in a study the places in the republic where green and red grapes are sold most expensive:
Lower grape prices
He cheaper price of the grapes for the end of the year can be found in the supermarket chainswhose prices are far from those offered in local markets.
A kilo of green grapes that in a local market can be found, as we mentioned, at up to 200 pesos per kilo, can be found in supermarkets even at less than half of that price, 70 or 80 pesos.
For example, the supermarket chain Chedrauimanages a price per kilo of the seedless green grapes with discounts from 89 to 69 pesos per kilo; while the red grapein the same store, has a discounted price of 89 to 59 pesos per kilogram.
The stores Walmart They also have discount prices on the sale of grapes that range from 99 to 69 pesos per piece (box); However, quality is an important point to consider and some consumers are dissatisfied.
Profecoincluded the list of the lowest prices for the sale of both red and green grapes in the country.
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According to Juan Carlos Anayapresident of Agricultural Market Consulting Group (GCMA), the grape presented greater increase in their prices due to “the drop in production, caused by climatic factors like the cold that delayed the growth of the plant and the prevailing drought “which caused early ripening of the grapes and thus early sales and lower volume harvests.”
And you, do you already have your grapes to celebrate this end of the year?