What is the danger of drinking tea on the heart? • Al Marsad newspaper

by time news

Al-Marsad newspaper: Dr. Yevgeny Arzamastsev, a Russian nutrition expert, explained that drinking concentrated tea stimulates heart disease and causes insomnia.

Dr. Yevgeny said, according to the “Novosti” website, that concentrated tea can harm the body, and excessive consumption of it leads to problems in the stomach and intestines and causes insomnia and cardiovascular diseases.

And Yevgeny added that the tea contains tannin, which acts as an antioxidant. But when you drink too much concentrated tea, it causes stomach problems. The caffeine in tea also causes insomnia.

And he added, if a person suffers from poor sleep, he should not drink tea, especially the center in the evening.

He pointed out that the concentrated tea speeds up the heartbeat, and also causes vascular diseases and high blood pressure.

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