What is the Earth-like planet and what are its characteristics

by time news

What planet is similar to Earth? A question you will find the answer to in this article through the Egypt Brief website. Scientists have always searched for a planet other than our planet to live in, and any planet is similar to Earth’s planets because of the great similarities in size and shape, but some scientists say, not to Mars as everyone thinks, they discovered a planet that is very similar to Earth, so the search for the planet continued Habitable and its inhabitants. Like the world.


What planet is similar to earth

  • Unlike other planets, it is a blue ball suspended in a black space that has a number of features that make it a suitable place to live.
  • One of the most important features that distinguishes the planet from others is the hydrosphere, which continues to renew permanently, as well as the atmosphere confined to the Earth, which consists of 21% oxygen, 78% nitrogen and 1% other elements. Protects the planet from meteors, harmful sunlight, and more.

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Why is the planet Earth different from others?

  • Planet Earth is different because it consists of a group of layers consisting of crust, mantle and core, and the location of the planet in the solar system is also a wonderful feature, and all these features and characteristics have created the Earth. Planet different from the rest.

The arrangement of planet Earth in the solar system

  • Planet Earth ranks fifth in the solar system in terms of mass and size, and third in order, with an average distance between the Sun and Earth about 149,600 km, and the radius of the planet is 6,378 km. The planet rotates on its axis every 23 hours, 56 minutes and 4 seconds, and rotates once every 365.25 days.

Earth-like planets

Scientists described the planet as a celestial body that revolves around the sun and has a mass with its own circular shape that provides it with the necessary balance, and under it is a group of discovered planets that have the closest resemblance to Earth.

Planet Procima b

  • It is considered the closest planet to Earth outside the solar system because this helped scientists take pictures of it that helped determine whether it had water and whether it had an atmosphere, and it turned out to be opaque. The star and scientists orbiting the planet detected slight changes in stellar color.

Corot 9b

  • The planet is Earth-like in its temperate climate and orbits a distant star every 95 days.

Planetary Moon Kepler

  • The Kepler satellite is a NASA space telescope that was launched in 2009 AD, and through it a group of planets named after it were discovered:

Kepler 186 F.

  • It was discovered in 2014 AD. It is the planet most similar to the Earth because it is only 10% larger than the Earth, the planet receives a third of the solar energy that reaches the Earth, and the surface of the planet is watery.


  • It is a huge planet whose size is 2.4 times the size of Earth, and it is a star very similar to the Sun in its characteristics, and it is very similar to the orbit of the planet Earth as its orbit does not exceed 290 days. It has been around for 360 days and is also considered the first planet to be found in a habitable temperature zone, discovered in 2009.

Kepler 62 F.

  • This planet is 40% larger than Earth, hence the name Super-Earth, and it is cooler than Earth because of its large orbit around a star that is cooler than the Sun and smaller in size.

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I wonder how the planet looks like Earth

  • When we talk about a planet similar to Earth, NASA is one of the most famous space agencies that searches for planets and stars in the solar galaxy and beyond, and many scientists try to explore the space agency because they were the first planetary scientists. It was found outside the solar system in 1995.
  • Explorations continued after this date until it reached about 3,600 planets, and many of these planets were gaseous, similar to Jupiter, until some scientists were able to identify a group of planets that were similar to Earth in their characteristics and were suitable for life. The problem persists after these planets are far from Earth, but Curiosity to Study the Universe continues to search for planets.

What planet is similar to earth

Planetary features

  • For an Earth-like planet to be a viable alternative, it would have to have a number of features.

Top features to meet

  • Atmosphere: It protects the planet from harmful rays, meteorites, and others. The elements that make up the atmosphere help the existence of life on Earth.
  • Magnetic field: It is one of the most important features that must exist on the planet, as it prevents high-speed winds laden with harmful particles from colliding with the planet by directing rays from the sun. Unlike the planet.
  • Moderate temperature: It is one of the basic characteristics of life on planet Earth. If the temperature is low, liquid water will freeze, and if it is high, water will evaporate, which is one of the basic elements of life.

The basics of life on this planet

Scientists have identified five essential elements that must be present on the planet in order for the planet to be habitable.

  1. Water: It is considered the basic element of chemical reactions because it is considered a solvent for the elements that living organisms need for their reactions to occur.
  2. Sulfur: It is an important component of biochemical reactions, an energy-producing element, and an essential component of many vitamins and enzymes that cannot function without it.
  3. Nitrogen: It is also an important component for the synthesis and formation of organic compounds, and is also important for ensuring that DNA acts as the carrier of the genetic code.
  4. Carbon: It is a major component in the formation and formation of organic compounds, including carbohydrates, proteins, and fats.
  5. Phosphorus is a necessary component for DNA not to form. It is a vital component of cell membranes.

See also: The fourth planet is far from the sun .. its characteristics, topography, and the hypothesis of the presence of water on its surface.

To explore any planet similar to Earth

  • NASA astronomers recently discovered an Earth-like planet suitable for life and living on it. And NASA scientists did not know if there was anyone on the hill, and this planet was observed outside our solar system and is about 300 million light years away from the planet, and scientists said that it is located in the habitable zone. Solar System.
  • NASA scientists called this planet, which is about the same size as Earth, Kepler-1649c, and scientists said that its temperature is similar to that of our planet and it also contains water, which is an essential element for life. NASA scientists announced that the planet revolves around a star called a red dwarf, which is four times smaller than the sun.
  • This gives this planet 75% of the light that the planet receives from the sun, and this makes its temperature similar to that of the planet.

One of the most important discoveries is the question about the shape of the planet, and it is one of the most important discoveries, because it is the first time that a planet similar to Earth has been discovered at its surface temperature and size, and NASA scientists say that this world is interesting, and this gives them hope to find it. Earth is the second on another planet, and scientists have stated that they hope to make many amazing discoveries that will astound the world.

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