What is the effect of lemon water with ginger on the kidneys? – . 2024-08-04 19:29:15

by time news

¿Hay something that we don’t put any juice on of this citrus fruit? Lemon water is more than just a refreshing drink that accompanies everyday Mexican meals, when no sugar is added becomes the king of the home remedies around the world, sometimes alone, other times mixed with turmeric or ginger.

Not all of the benefits of lemon water that are being touted have been proven, but we do know that it is a healthy drink for the kidneys; as for ginger, it also frequently appears in concoctions that swear they will strengthen these organs and eliminate kidney stones.

This combination is popular both in infusion as in water and benefits your health in several ways, but is it really that powerful for the kidneys?

Properties: What benefits does ginger and lemon juice water have?

He who is free of kidney pain, let him cast the first stone… or better not. Many people worry about this part of their body until they have already suffered the consequences of bad habitsFor example: not drinking enough waterdrinking too many sugary drinks, holding back the urge to urinate, smoking, and more.

The kidneys are responsible for filter about half a cup of blood per minutehave essential functions such as removing waste from the blood, removing excess water through urine, achieving a balance of substances in the body of elements such as sodium, potassium and calcium, controlling blood pressure and more, details the National Institutes of Health (NIH).

So when you have an unhealthy lifestyle your kidneys start to strain themselves too much. accumulate unwanted substanceswhich increases the risk of conditions such as infections, stones, kidney damage and more.

This is why the popularity of drinks to ‘detoxify’ and improve health has grown. kidney healthAlthough ginger and lemon do help in this regard, not everything is as magical as they promise.

Keeps you hydrated

The NIH says one of the keys to keeping your kidneys healthy is a healthy fluid intake: “It is recommended to drink 1.5 to 2 liters of water a day. Water helps remove sodium and toxins from the kidneys. It also reduces the risk of chronic kidney disease.”

However, many people fail to achieve the daily hydration goalssince plain water is unattractive to them, which is why Harvard TH Chan School of Public Health advises Encourage consumption by adding a touch of flavor: fresh peeled ginger and lemon slices, especially for people who are used to drinking very sugary drinks.

According to Healthline: the Aromatic essence of ginger and lemon in water helps hydration, which “makes vital organs, such as the kidneys, intestine and heartfunction properly.”

What is the effect of lemon water with ginger on the kidneys? –  .
2024-08-04 19:29:15

Reduces the risk of kidney stones

Severe dehydration can cause kidney damage and not drinking enough water is a factor in kidney stones. So, for starters, if You encourage your consumption with ginger water with lemon You are already helping your organs against these painful conditions and lemon gives it a ‘plus’.

Lemon citrate, a component of citric acid, is associated with preventing kidney stones in people with urinary citrate deficiency, explains Cleveland Clinic.

According to Healthline, this compound helps make urine less acidic and is capable of breaking up small stones. Although further studies are needed, even the National Kidney Foundation recommends taking as a complementary treatment for stones: 118 milliliters of lemon juice concentrated with water.

Despite the popularity of ginger in remedies against stones, there are no studies proving its effectiveness. Nutritionist Jo Lewin says in an article BBC Good Food which is considered safe, but may be unsuitable for people with a history of kidney stones containing oxalate.

It could help against kidney failure and other conditions

Both ingredients are rich in antioxidantshealthy compounds that help combat oxidative stress that causes chronic disease and damages cells.

Healthline highlights that consuming drinks with antioxidants can help prevent and combat the side effects of free radicals, and cites a study that found that Ginger has powerl to prevent the slow down kidney failure (further research is needed).

Lemon may also be useful in preventing urinary tract infections: Johns Hopkins Medicine says that for this purpose you should drink enough water and take large amounts of vitamin Cwhich limits the growth of bacteria that make urine acidic.

Detox diet: Does it really detoxify the kidneys?

According to Healthline, some people consume ginger water with lemon as a detoxifier, supposedly to slowly eliminate toxins from the body.

“Since ginger could fight germs, diseases, inflammation and harmful molecules, Taking a little each day can help improve overall health.. Ginger is a natural root, so taking it will also provide you with added nutrients,” the site notes.

However, keep in mind that Neither this nor any drink will cleanse your body or detoxify your kidneys as they assure you because No ‘detox’ drink worksIn fact, they are unnecessary because your body already does that work on its own.

“His liver, kidneys and GI tract do a good job of detoxing every day. If you’re looking to rejuvenate your body, focus on eating more whole foods, drinking water and eliminating highly processed foods from your diet,” explains Mayo Clinic.

What happens if I drink ginger tea every day?

If you consume this drink on a daily basis, you are adding beneficial compounds to your diet that help to:

  • Kidney health: The National Kidney Foundation highlights that ginger is a good addition to maintain kidney health; lemon is also one of the best fruits for these organs.
  • Digestive health: Dehydration is a factor that causes constipation, so drinking more water helps prevent it. Additionally, ginger and lemon have compounds that promote good digestion.
  • Anti-inflammatory: Ginger has gingeroles y shogaolespowerful compounds with effects anti-inflammatory and antioxidant.
  • Source of vitamin C: Lemons are rich in nutrients, they have a high content of vitamin C, fiber and several healthy compounds. Healthline highlights that they contribute to cardiovascular health, fight anemia, among other benefits.
  • It could help you lose weight: Although both ingredients have compounds related to this purpose, more studies are still pending. In any case, it can help you control your weight if you change your diet. most caloric drinks (soda, sugary drinks, coffee with milk) for this water and you combine it with a healthy diet and exercise.

Recipe with mint and honey: How to prepare ginger water with lemon and how to drink it?

This drink is quite easy to prepare: in a liter of water Add ginger slices (previously washed, disinfected and peeled) into slices. Let this mixture rest for several hours (remember to consume this preparation the same day).

Strain this mixture and add the juice of a lemon to your glass when you want to consume it, you can add a teaspoon of honey, a few slices of your citrus fruit and a little mint.

Healthline recommends Do not exceed 4 grams of ginger per day; while nutritionist Amy Stephens says in Insider that it is better to limit oneself with the juice of two or three lemons in total throughout the day.

That is, you can take one or two glasses of water with lemon and ginger with meals and a glass between meals.

Contraindications of the drink: Side effects of lemon water with ginger

In general, lemon and ginger are considered healthy for most people, in normal amounts in the diet, but you just have to be careful with excess and consumption in certain cases.

Side effects of ginger:

  • May interact with medications such as blood thinners and diabetes medications.
  • If consumed in large quantities, the following may occur: reflux, heartburn, diarrhea, stomach upset, gas or bleeding.
  • It is recommended to consult a doctor during pregnancy, breastfeeding or if a person is about to undergo surgery.

Side effects of lemon:

  • Too much lemon can erode tooth enamel, so you can use a straw or rinse your mouth with water.
  • It can worsen reflux and cause heartburn.

2024-08-04 19:29:15

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