What is the family of the Polish Madeleine McCann hiding? There are no records in her medical history until she was 5 years old.

by time news

“I am Madeleine MacCann”, this is how Julia Faystyna presented herself to the world on February 14. Since then her case has taken several unexpected turns. Especially since she came on the scene lost medium Fia Johansson, who is now its spokesperson and representative. The psychic detective, who accumulates millions of followers on her social networks, has turned to the investigation of the young Polish woman to find out whether or not she is the British girl who disappeared in 2007 in the Algarve (Portugal).

So far, their inquiries have not yielded conclusive results. But what both seem to be clear about is that the family Julia grew up with is hiding something. Initially suspicions were based on the attitude of the young woman’s mother, who would not only have refused to undergo DNA tests but would have convinced the rest of the family so that he did not do it either.

This always according to Johansson’s version, who in an extensive statement through Instagram -accompanied by the girl- also explained that the woman would have tried to corrupt Julia’s psychiatrist and would have lied about her mental problems. The medium implies that the young woman could have been a hindrance to her mother and her partner, and that is why she even tried to put her in a center. “Julia’s stepfather never wanted her in the house.”comes to ensure.

Julia and Johansson have already admitted for days that the young woman may not be Madeleine, but that -in any case- they are convinced that there is something dark in her past. They have pointed out the possibility that she was actually another kidnapped girl: Livia Schepp, disappeared in Switzerland in 2011. The young woman would have even done a genetic test to confirm it, as reported The Sun. Although the medium pointed out that they are going to explore all avenues. They will not stop until they know “the truth”.

What happened until the age of 5?

Perhaps the most disturbing of the psychic detective’s findings is that in Julia’s medical history there would be no records prior to 5 years of age. Something that she would have discovered after visiting the hospital in the Polish city of Wroclaw, where the young woman was supposedly born 21 years ago. This is how the British newspaper reported it Daily Star and the American publication Radar Online. “It just doesn’t exist”points out the medium, “it’s very strange”.

As he assures, his team would have had access to his history and would have verified that “from zero months to five years, everything is missing.” Nor does it appear – he adds – “signature of a doctor that demonstrates that records have been eliminated from his file”. “She just doesn’t exist during that time period,” she says. A discovery that would have led both Fia and Julia to reaffirm that the young Polish woman’s family hides what she went through in the first years of her life.

Now, from Los Angeles -where they arrived a few days ago, to guarantee their safety-, the medium takes care of the girl, who would have received emails with insults and death threats. She would have come to “put a price on his head”Fia exclaims. Together they continue with the investigation, in which her family continues to refuse to participate. “They Don’t Care About Her”says the psychic detective. Her mother would even blocked Julia so you can’t get in touch.

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1 comment

Kathlyn April 7, 2023 - 9:36 pm

You keep putting her, she and hers but then you suddenly change to he and his but none of these people are male so that is the wrong gender that you are writing about


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