What is the feminine intimate desire?

by time news

2023-05-19 17:37:22

Have you ever wondered why some people arouse our sexual desire and others do not. The most curious thing is why out of nowhere we feel the appetite to experience intimacy, whether accompanied or alone. Do not worry, you are in the right place to find the answer to these and more questions.

According to clinical sexology expert David Barrios, can be understood by desire as an anxiety of an erotic nature. A state of mind that allows the excitement and accumulation of pleasant sensations; but, does it change according to gender?, and, what mysteries does the female sexual desire?

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What harms female sexual desire?

Like life, where there are more difficult moments than others. He sexual desire that a woman experiences fluctuates according to the years, and the stage of fertility she is in. However, the lack of interest or decreased desire may be due to other factors, the Mayo Clinic Medical Institute describes some:

1- Pain during sexual intercourse
2- Non-sexual diseases that decrease sexual desire such as arthritis, cancer, diabetes or high blood pressure
3- Uses of some medications such as antidepressants
4- Unfavorable habits: alcohol or drug use
5- Hormonal changes

Beyond what is believed, the female sexual desire it is as strong and voracious as that of men, only that society allows them to express it more openly, as indicated by Daniel Bergner, columnist for The New York Times and author of the book “What women want.”

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When does a woman feel the most desire?

Although the female sexual appetite It varies from the connection that the person feels with the other. In the case of women, sexual desire usually increases, reaching its maximum expression in the middle of the menstrual cycle, just when the period begins. ovulation.

8 things you should know about female sexual desire

Whether due to a social or cultural issue, there is still a great deal of misinformation about how the government acts, develops and influences. sexual desire in women. That is why we give you eight things you should know about him:

1. Is it over? Women’s sexual desire remains unchanged over the years, and even increases, the only thing they lose faster is interest in their couples, something that we confuse with the lack of libido”, explains Kimberly Russell, researcher in evolutionary biology, in the report “Evolution and behavior of the sexes.”

2. No matter the gender, the vision of sex is enough. According to a study conducted by Professor Meredith Chiver of Queens University in Canada, she found that, regardless of her sexual orientation, women tend to get aroused by observing images of intercourse; no matter if it is a man with a man, a woman and a man or a woman with a woman.

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3. Sensation that is confused with love. Barrios points out that there is a confusion between falling in love and desire among women. In both cases the symptoms are very similar: the temperature rises -even if subjectively- the heart rate and there is a feelingand butterflies in the stomach.

4. Up with caffeine! experts from the Southwestern University say that consuming four cups of coffee a day increases sexual desire in women.

5. Is desire not the same in men or women? Russell indicates that the female libido is more demanding than that of men, who can maintain the sexual desire towards their partners for much longer. In this way, the supposed monogamous nature that surrounds women is questioned. Since, the sexual desire, regardless of age, is similar for both sexes.

6. More fertile days, more desire. exhibited in Archives Sexual Behavior, research conducted by the University of Leethebridge, revealed that women in their most fertile days have more fantasies and therefore their sexual desire increases.

7. Yoga. scientists of the Harvard Medical School have verified that the repetition of the postures or “asanas” typical of this activity for at least twelve weeks achieves increase desire.

8. Chocolate. According to a study published in the journal The Journal of Sexual Medicine, women who take at least one pill chocolate black a day experience greater sexual desire and have more pleasurable sexual relations.

He placer sexual, in men and women, it is part of life, not only biological but also emotional. Do not suppress it, enjoy it and experience everything it offers you.

If you want to know more about the wish, we invite you to watch the following video:

#feminine #intimate #desire

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