what is the groundwater level near your home?

by time news

Groundwater levels are a concern in many regions. Scope Images / stock.adobe.com

CARTE – For 2023, groundwater level forecasts are proving to be very pessimistic. Check the current situation and its evolution in our search engine.

The groundwater situation is more than worrying. At the end of winter, a period when the water tables are supposed to recharge before the vegetation resumes its growth in the spring, “all of the tablecloths shows levels below normal», Indicates the Bureau of Geological and Mining Research (BRGM). “Many sectors present a proven risk of drought during the summer period“, continue the experts of the public body.

Indeed, the rains of March were not enough to recharge the water tables in France, 75% of which remain at moderately low or even very low levels, making “recognized» the risk of summer drought for certain regions. The precipitation that fell between March 1 and March 31were not sufficient to produce sufficient improvement» of the state of the water tables, 80% of which had deteriorated a month ago. Last year, as of April 1, 58% of levels were below normal. The summer of 2022, however, saw a historic drought. A situation that is all the more worrying as the recharge carried out this autumn and this winter, both particularly dry, remainsvery insufficient to offset the accumulated deficitsfor more than a year andthat from April, the recharge episodes should remain punctual and not very intense except for exceptional rainfall events».

Fig Data analyzed the situation of nearly 500 groundwater tables throughout the territory and their evolution over the last three years.

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