What is the new credit that is the guarantee for President Petro for the change of power | Budget | Witchcraft

by time news

2024-09-26 03:08:19

After the tensions of the past weeks, this Thursday – September 25 – the meetings of the Public Credit Committee and members of the National Government met, of the Ministry of Finance and the National Development Finance Ministry , to discuss the proposals of that debt were presented to Parliament and at the time it was noted that they were not moving forward.

One of the people who attended this meeting was the director of the Social Credit of Minhacienda, José Roberto Acosta, who removed the differences with the committee and after a pleasant conversation, achieved a good proposal for the National Development Finance Agency language to enter into an external loan agreement with the IDB and the Climate Investment Funds (CIF) for up to USD $138.5 million or its equivalent in other currencies.

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According to Francisco Lozano, president of FDN, the company of the Bicentenario Group, the resources will be used to finance renewable energy projects within the Energy Transition Support Program, created These are important resources for one of the important bets of President Gustavo Petro.

“This is great news for Colombia and for progress in terms of fair energy transition, because with these resources we will be able to contribute to closing the gap in funding that these projects face, providing resources for almost $140 million dollars for their development with competitive rates and long term,” he pointed out.

Renewable energy.

This official added that “in addition, we will make it available to the sector and companies all our knowledge in Project Finance and our financial products to attract other investors to complement their financing, which is the way we promote 4G and 5G projects. “

For the National Government, after the approval of the Congress, we have marked an important event, because it is the first time that the resources from the funds of the consensus for the transition of energy will be distributed in the country, while it shows that these improvements will allow them to eat. Distribution resources in one year and not in four, as originally planned, a situation that will lead to rapid growth.

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It should be noted that the Energy Transition Support Program seeks to promote the decarbonization of the Colombian economy, with the financing of Just Energy Transition projects and the strengthening of the powers and resources of the National Development Finance Agency language. for access to thematic green capital markets for a period of up to 5 years.

“The first part of the Program, with resources of USD $ 137.7 million, will focus on increasing the financing of Non-Contractual Resources of Renewable Energy Projects (FNCER) and the evaluation of the technologies being implemented by the FDN . In this sense, FDN will provide solutions for FNCER, energy areas and energy storage,” explained Francisco Lozano.

What is the new credit that is the guarantee for President Petro for the change of power | Budget | Witchcraft

Renewable energy

The time

Likewise, with these resource solutions for convenience will be organized to the National Networking System, such as transmission lines or distributed power sources and the deployment of advanced metering infrastructure and projects will be financed for the production, management, transportation and use of green hydrogen, and for electricity infrastructure and property that increases the demand of these properties and the adoption of electric vehicles.

“The second part, for $270 million, will be used to strengthen the capabilities of the FDN for the identification, design and portfolio management of climate projects. The goal is the design of a road map to increase the ability to identify and design partial investments that incorporate interventions in favor of nature and/or the climate,” the article concludes.

In this commitment, based on the Government’s methods, we also want to strengthen risk and climate change monitoring systems, so that national and local authorities can expect. to the effects of disasters such as global warming in the country.

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