What is the planet Mars called? – Quora

by time news

What is the planet Mars called? There are nine planets in the solar system, all of which revolve around a large star called the sun in fixed and specific orbits in a group called the Milky Way group, and these planets have different characteristics among them in terms of orbital time, the cycle of each planet around the sun, temperature and cold And so on, and through our article we will get to know more details about one of the planets of the solar system, which is the cup of Mars, what are its most important features, what are the weather elements in it, and its most important characteristics, in addition to knowing why it is called Mars.

What is the planet Mars called?

The planet Mars has many characteristics and characteristics that led to the emergence of several different names for it, and the most important of these characteristics is that it contains soil rich in iron, and this is what made the earth’s color composed of mud and stones. . It tends to be reddish-brown, which is why scientists call it the red planet wherever possible. The ancients could easily see the planet Mars because it is close to the planet Earth and they did not need to use any tools to see it like binoculars etc.

How is the weather on Mars?

There are many climatic changes on the surface of Mars, and the reasons for these differences and changes are due to the change in the location of this planet in relation to its orbit around the sun, and this leads to the formation of the seasons of the sun. Mars year. The atmosphere is very thin, making it vulnerable to greenhouse gases, and its atmospheric pressure ranges between 1 and 2% of Earth’s. There are craters on the surface of Mars caused by strong winds and storms, and on the surface of the Red Planet there is a sufficient amount of vapor that forms clouds and clouds in the upper atmosphere.

What is the temperature on Mars

The temperature there is approximately – 81 °F, which is equivalent to – 62.77 °C, and at the poles and poles in winter it can reach – 220 °F, which is equivalent to – 140 °C, and in summer the temperature reaches +70 °F, or 21 degrees Celsius, which makes the weather for this procession full of fluctuations, as there are craters on Mars formed by strong winds and storms.

What are the seasons of Mars

Mars, like all the planets of the solar system, revolves around the sun in an elliptical orbit, which consists of four seasons on this planet, but they are twice as long as the seasons of the year on Earth, that is, one year. On the planet Mars, two years on Earth, in the winter the location of Mars is as far from the sun as possible, which makes the winter very harsh in winter, especially in the southern hemisphere. In the spring, dust storms begin in a form that can cover the entire planet.

What are the satellites of Mars

Two moons revolve around Mars, the first is called Phobos, which means fear, and the other is Deimos, which means panic. They were discovered in 1877 AD. The moon Phobos revolves around Mars very quickly, and it does not reflect much. Sunlight, which is something that does not make it as bright as Earth’s moon. Deimos, a smaller moon than Phobos, also orbits Mars. It is much smaller and darker than Phobos.

How far is mars from the sun

The red planet is the fourth planet in the solar system and it is closest to the surface of the earth, and the distance between it and the earth is about 228 million kilometers, or a year and a half light years, and it takes light 13 minutes to reach the surface of Mars from the sun.

What are the main components of the surface of Mars?

Given that Mars is a terrestrial planet, it mostly consists of clay and rocks such as basalt rocks. From a distance, it appears to be full of volcanoes, canyons, canyons, and impact craters, making it look like Earth. In the geology of this planet, scientists are studying some of the similarities between Mars and our planet, due to the difficulty of sending humans and conducting the necessary experiments, so the surface of Mars has been divided into three regions, which are

  • Southern Highlands
  • Northern plains
  • Coptic regions

Within the Southern Highlands are the largest mountains, which have a broad base and a massive volcanic peak. The volcanoes contain few craters, which indicates the shortness of their source.

What is the size of the planet Mars

Mars is about half the diameter of Earth, but it has about the same area as Earth, because the Earth’s surface is mostly liquid water.

Is there water on Mars?

The surface of Mars has narrow, dark streaks, about 100 meters long, which indicates that it was formed by flowing water flows, but now it does not exist in liquid form, but rather in the form of ice. vapor form.

When was the planet Mars discovered?

The history of the first observation of the planet Mars dates back to Egyptian astronomers, in the second millennium BC, and scientists also found ancient models talking about Mars, dating back to ancient Greece and India, and in the year 1610 AD, Galileo used the first. Telescope to observe Mars from Earth.

When was the first trip to Mars?

International space agencies have been trying to reach and explore Mars since 2011, and this journey requires comprehensive and careful flight, so the astronauts who are sent must learn most of the skills so that they can live on Mars alone and without support. from the land, and they must be knowledgeable about various sciences such as medicine, cooking, and agriculture. They were asked to expand the settlement, and to this day research and exploration continues to achieve this goal, and eight spacecraft are still operating and monitoring this planet currently.

Is it possible to live on Mars

So far, scientists have not found conclusive evidence of extraterrestrial life, but preliminary data indicates that today there are no traces of living organisms on the surface of Mars, but they are looking for the possibility of traces of ancient organisms that lived when the planet was warmer and water was liquid. .

The most important information about Mars for children

Mars is the fourth planet in the solar system, which is called the Milky Way group. Mars is called the red planet because the color of its soil is red. Mars can be seen with the naked eye in the sky and looks like a bright red star, slightly Earth-like, made up of rocks and has features similar to those we see on the surface of our planet, such as mountains, valleys and craters.

With this we conclude our article in which we talked about the planet Mars and answered the question of what is the planet Mars called, and the answer is that it is the red planet, and we talked about the weather and temperature of Mars, its four seasons and its moon, and we talked about its topography, the presence of water on its surface, and its distance from the sun. We also talked about when this planet was discovered, about traveling to it, whether it is possible to live on it, and finally we collected simple information for the children.

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