What is the protocol for the treatment of hypertension in Mexico?

by time news

2023-08-21 17:27:20

In Mexico, more than 30 million people live with arterial hypertension and 46 percent of patients are unaware of it. According to data provided by the INEGI (National Institute of Statistics and Geography) in the year 2020, 24.9 percent of men and 26.1 percent of women suffer from this disease that, every year, causes around 50 thousand deaths.

What is hypertension?

Hypertension can be defined as the increase in blood pressure in the arteries due to some factors such as:

sedentary lifestyle Diabetes. Tobacco use. Excess alcohol intake. Inadequate feeding. High cholesterol. Genetic and ethnic condition. Steroid-type drugs. Contraceptives.

In Mexico, it is recommended that people over 40 years of age have an annual measurement of blood pressure, as well as cholesterol, blood and glucose tests that can detect any medical anomaly and, as indicated by specialists, “prevention , detection, adherence to treatment, healthy living and frequent examinations are the key to controlling blood pressure levels”.

The treatment change process is not done overnight

An effective, economical, safe, pragmatic and simple therapeutic protocol is necessary. Although, yes, it is true that there are certain barriers to establishing a differentiated protocol in the country, among which we can highlight:

Dual and triple combinations without a key in the compendium of medicines. Sales that do not have generic availability, only 2 brands available. Despite your competence in a consolidated purchase, there is no guarantee of a competitive price.

This makes it necessary, therefore, to change the old treatment paradigm (monotherapy) towards a vision of dual combination treatment from the first step, which must be escalated to a triple and quadruple combination every four weeks and referred to a specialist in case of non-existence. achieve goals in 3 months before.

The change is necessary but it is not a process that is done overnight and a series of points must be followed to achieve it, such as: planning it; involve the entire operational and coordination team and stop for a moment to evaluate and modify what is necessary.

#protocol #treatment #hypertension #Mexico

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