What is the reason for the increase in covid again in Delhi? || What is the reason for the increase in corona again in Delhi ..?

by time news

Scientists have revealed the reasons for the increase in corona again in Delhi.

Record: April 22, 2022 04:41

New Delhi,

With the 3rd wave of corona in India nearing its end, the re-infection is slowly increasing. Is this a sign of the 4th wave? There is always suspicion among the people.

The capital Delhi plays a major role in the recurrence of epidemics in the country. There were 1009 new victims in a single day the day before yesterday. This is 60 per cent more than the previous day. This has come as a shock to the state government and the health sector.

In this case, genetic testing of newly infected people in Delhi found that most of them were infected with a subtype PA2.12 of omega. Scientists have suggested that the omega-3 variant may be responsible for the current spread of the disease.

In addition, another derivative of Omicron, PA2.12.1, has been reported in some people, according to the Indian Corona Genetic Association. However, this has not been confirmed by health officials. At the same time, they said that only two subtypes, PA2.12 and PA2.10, were detected in more than 60 percent of the samples, and that they were known to spread rapidly.

They said the differences were not only in Delhi but also in the districts of Haryana and Uttar Pradesh adjacent to the capital. Commenting on the increase in infections in Delhi, a senior scientist said, ‘The reproductive number of omega is 10. It is highly diffuse, so its descendants and sub-variants will have the same speed. ‘

He said it could be spread by unclean hands, non-compliance with social norms and non-wearing of masks, so adherence to these measures could prevent the spread of infection.

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