What is the status of the bill that prohibits activities that promote drug culture?

by times news cr

2024-09-16 08:10:25

The project seeks to prohibit activities that promote activities related to drug trafficking and consumption in order to prevent drug culture from taking hold in the national territory.

The Chamber of Deputies continues to process the bill with which It seeks to prohibit activities that promote drug culturewhich was presented by a group of deputies from different parties, headed by the deputy of the Social Christian Party, Francesca Muñoz.

The initiative seeks to prohibit “the development of activities or shows that promote, encourage or celebrate Cultural manifestations associated with drug trafficking, sexual exploitation, child pornography or the consumption of illicit drugs“.

Specifically, the bill was presented last March and It was merged with the initiative in the same sense that had been proposed in January of this year by the deputy Gaspar Rivaswhich sought to prohibit “concerts by artists who promote narcoculture and regulate the dissemination and marketing of audiovisual material by said artists.”

Narcoculture: What does the bill consist of?

This initiative, which is sponsored by the deputies Francesca Muñoz (PSC), René Alinco (IND), Sara Concha (PSC), Felipe Donoso (UDI), Juan Irarrázaval (PREP), Pamela Jiles (PH); Carla Morales (RN), Emilia Nuyado (PS), Jorge Saffirio (DEM) and Hotuiti Teao (IND); includes only three articles that address the issue from different perspectives:

  • ARTICLE 1: “Prohibit the development of activities or showsorganized by public or private entities, in which promote, encourage or celebrate cultural manifestations associated with drug trafficking, sexual exploitation, child pornography or the consumption of illicit drugs“.
  • ARTICLE 2°: “Prohibit the dissemination of musical works that promote, encourage or celebrate, through any means of dissemination, cultural manifestations associated with drug trafficking, sexual exploitation, child pornography, or the consumption of illicit drugs.”
  • ARTÍCULO 3°: “Who promotes, facilitates, authorizes an achievement shows or works that promote or celebrate cultural events associated with drug traffickingsexual exploitation, or child pornography, will be punished with minor imprisonment in its maximum degree“.

What is the status of the anti-narcoculture project?

According to what was reported from the Chamber of Deputies, the project against drug culture is in the stage of general discussionin its first constitutional procedure.

This Wednesday, September 11, a new session was held in the Chamber in which the initiative was addressed, where Deputy Muñoz reported on the Family Commissionfrom where the document emanated.

What is the status of the bill that prohibits activities that promote drug culture?

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