What is this selective indignation? by Paul Théa – Aminata.com News in Guinea and around the world

by time news

LGuinea has once again, a date with history and I hope it does not miss it this time.

Regarding the management of Alpha Condé, I published a text before his first election to say that he will not bring much to the country. He did worse than I imagined.

The millions of Euros that were in his room show the reason for his lack of a social project when he came to power. He came simply to plunder. We will talk about it again.

Children killed at close range in Bambéto, the Zogota massacre, the mass grave in N’Zérékoré, the killings in Boké… (the list is long), Alpha Condé has never shown any compassion. Those who denounced his management of public affairs knew hell when they fell into his net. He doesn’t have a human heart.

For me all lives are equal and they all deserve respect. Respect for human rights.

You were silent when Alpha Condé committed crimes and now you are indignant at the images of his arrest. What is this selective indignation?
Who sows the wind reaps the whirlwind.

I have no sympathy for him, but rather contempt. This gentleman is evil personified. I am happy for his departure from power and his entry into the dustbin of history.

We are all Guineans, we have the same Rights and the same Duties. It is time to eradicate from our country the cancer known as ethnocentrism.

It is time to reverse the pyramid of values ​​so that competence again takes precedence over demagoguery.
Long live Guinea.

Paul Théa

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