What is toxic parent syndrome, how does it affect children?

by time news

It’s hard to believe that there is toxic parent, since we relate to mother figure Like that protect, the loving, the nurturing, the brave and who is there when you need a shoulder to vent. However, not in all cases there is a sweet mother, discover what is toxic parent syndrome and how it affects children.

Although there is not a perfect mom because, as human beings, no one is. Yes there are several ways to be one good mother because the maternity is full of goodness, but not all women have the desire to become a mother and is respectable, the problem arises when there is also no interest in the middle and can present the toxic parent syndrome.

He toxic parent syndrome It is a term used to designate the mothers they don’t have any kind of interest or love for their children. Yes, it hurts and it is a difficult concept to assimilate because as children we look for the love, protection and care of our parents and when it does not exist, a deep wound.

what is the toxic parent syndromeHow does it affect children?/ Photo: iStock

What is a toxic relationship?

Maybe you think the term ‘toxic’ is fashionable, but it is used to describe what can endanger your mental, psychological or physical well-being. Las toxic relationships involve a disruptive, abusive, manipulative or harmful behavior for one or both people.

According to an article published by the National Library of Medicinea toxic relationship lacks personal limits, come from a lack of communication or occur when the means of communication is based on the critical, causing pain y suffering to the person who is in that toxic relationship.

Although the toxic relationships we relate them more to what they are romanticlas parental relations What are they toxicthat is, on the part of the father or mother, are one of the most harmful due to the role they play in the children’s lives.

what is the toxic parent syndromeHow does it affect children?/ Photo: iStock

How to know if a mother is toxic?

A toxic mother is one that by not feeling a deep love towards their children can exert a abusive behavior in whom should protecttriggering emotional, psychological and even physical damage.

According to specialists at the Cleveland Clinic Medical Institute, a mother who is toxic usually blame your children of their own problems, there is a lack of empathy or understandingthere is not exist a emotional link, a toxic mother he does not make an effort to understand his children, nor is he interested in what affects them.

There are some characteristics that describe a toxic mother is that he likes to have the excessive control, could be manipulative, They may be egocentric, that is to say, they give more need to their priorities than to those of their children, they are unable to respect boundaries.

what is the toxic parent syndromeHow does it affect children?/ Photo: iStock

On the other hand, one toxic mother can get to physical abuse as part of a ‘disciplinary action’. However the abuse is disproportionate with the actions of the children, that is, it is unjustified. Besides hitshay verbal abuse, when they insult, yell or blame.

A toxic mother You can expect a lot from your children without giving much or nothing in return. relationship, the problem is that, over time, children feel abandoned And nothing more painful for a son what not to feel loved or understood by his mother.

What are the damages caused by a toxic mother?

Although it seems very crude, the damage caused by a toxic mother they are painful, difficult to understand, especially when they are the mothers who see their children as rivals, a nuisance or obstacle, developing behaviors that children perceive, feeling neglected, little valued or loved and even insecure.

what is the toxic parent syndromeHow does it affect children?/ Photo: iStock

One of the effects that falls on the children of toxic mothers, is that they carry a guilty feeling for not feeling wanted, a series of ’emotional backpacks’ with which it touches them deal undeservedly, but they can also occur feelings of misunderstanding, sadness, anger.

Los children of a toxic mother can end up suffering a lot because both the parenting practicesas well as the love on the part of the primary caretaker, as is the madreare essential to develop emotional attachment during the first years of life. However, when the practices are negligent, deficient or toxic, attachment is damaged.

On the other hand, the children of the mother with the toxic parent syndrome usually develop fear of abandonment because by not feeling part of a family, loved or protected, they innately develop that feeling that they can be leave at any time.

what is the toxic parent syndromeHow does it affect children?/ Photo: iStock

now that you know what is toxic parent syndrome and how it affects the children, if you felt identified, remember that you can always come out stronger of this situation because the resilience capacity in each of us it is undeniable.

I hold you very strong.

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