What is trench coat and how to wash it properly?

by time news

Various garments, such as pants, shirts and coats, can be made of a resistant, waterproof and durable fabric. Trench coat has a long lifespan if washed and cared for correctly.

What is trench coat and how to wash it properly?

Last update: March 17, 2023

Having great outerwear is important during the cold months. These garments, due to their composition, size or delicacy, can generate doubts when washing them. The trench coat is one of them.

Therefore, it is convenient to implement a series of tips which help extend its useful life. Read on and find out what trench coat is and how to wash it.

The idea is not to deteriorate, stain or wrinkle them. Although some items are convenient to wash by hand, such as pants, all gabardine garments are suitable for washing machines. You just have to know the previous steps and care tips.

What is trench coat and how to wash it?

Coats, overcoats or pilots that protect from the cold and rain, ideal pants for outdoor work or rigid and resistant shirts. All these garments can be made with gabardine, a fabric as resistant as durable.

Some are made with woolen fabrics, others with cotton or synthetic fiber, but all share the characteristic of producing great resistance. In addition, they have a high degree of impermeability, so they are ideal for humid and rainy climates.

It is common for the trench coat to be present in numerous winter garments.

Another of its particularities is that they usually have a smooth face and another with diagonal fabrics., usually ribbed. It has a firm and tight consistency, a product of being worked hard during production. Therefore, garments made of this material are functional for different activities, mostly outdoors.

Origin of the trench coat

Gabardine textiles have a curious origin, based on the searches of its inventor, the Englishman Thomas Burberry. The businessman wanted to create a fabric that could resist the rain without it seeping into the interior. Around 1880, she met a shepherd who used special jackets.

The man made waterproof garments through a product originally intended for bathing sheep. Burberry took the idea and created the trench coat, experimenting with cotton threads. He waterproofed the yarn in a step prior to weaving the fabric and was able to achieve the desired effect of dripping down the garment.

This way, he patented his creation in 1888. It should be noted that the initial formula with the waterproofing product is applied up to the present. Also, the brand Burberry it is still going strong and is one of the most elegant fashion houses in Britain.

The gabardine is an ideal fabric for the cold months.

Trench Coat Features

This fabric stands out for several reasons. For example, its strength, firmness and durability.

Depending on the quality of the garment, it can even keep the same shape for a long time. Also, it does not wrinkle easily.

Like all textiles, it exists in different qualities. It can be made of cotton, a mixture between cotton and polyester, silk or be made of textured polyester in its entirety.

The composition will determine its weight and the quality of the fiber. In any case, gabardine is one of the most used and functional fabrics today.

Different uses of the trench coat

Over the decades, the trench coat went from being a functional work garment to a fashion accessory exhibited in the most important fashion shows. Today it is presented as an accessible fabric that is widely used, especially in the winter months. Hence the importance of your daily washing.

  • Gardening and rural works. Its peasant origin made the raincoat begin to be used for all kinds of rural and outdoor work. Especially, due to its waterproof condition.
  • Maintenance. Garments made of this fabric, especially shirts, became very popular in factories, warehouses, and maintenance personnel.
  • First World War. The British authorities asked Burberry to create the gabardine uniforms for the war that began in 1914.
  • presence in the cinema. Starting with Humphrey Bogart and his use of the raincoat in CasablancaHollywood movies began to apply it, especially in gangster characters.
  • youth fashion. Those who really made this fabric fashionable were Los beatlesafter making appearances with it in the mid-1960s.
  • News and functionality. Today it is a fabric extended to millions of people, very useful in the cold months and, above all, on rainy days.
  • Variety. The material can be found in various garments such as dresses, jackets, suits, coats and even shoes.

Discover what raincoat is and how to wash it step by step

Although gabardine is a fabric with good resistance to water and the passage of time, it requires some washing advice. This way, it is possible to extend its useful life and preserve its quality and brightness. You just have to take into account the following steps.

1. Check the label

The safest thing to do at the time of gabardine treatment is Read the manufacturer’s specific instructions. There it is suggested if it is better to dry clean, with cold water, in a washing machine or by hand.

It will always be advisable not to cut the label.

2. Remove accessories

If the trench coat is a coat or coat, it is likely that it will bring a belt or other internal accessories. It is important to remove each one of them before washing.

3. Treat stains

The specific stains on the raincoat are treated with a liquid remover that is suitable for colored fabrics. It should be applied to the affected area, previously moistened with cold water, and left to act for 30 minutes. Then, remove and wash completely.

It is advisable to apply the stain remover to an inconspicuous area of ​​the garment before using it on the affected area. In this way, it is verified if the product does not discolor or damage the fabric.

Stains should be removed before placing the gabardine garment in the washing machine.

4. Insert in the washing machine

Gabardine is a fabric that, in general, can be sanitized in the washing machine. However, it should not be mixed with clothes such as towels or others that release lint.

The garments that can be washed together are those of similar colors. Once on the machine, also place the belt and accessories. Program a wash with a cold-hot, hot-hot or cold-cold cycle.

5. Dryer safe

It is possible to treat the gabardine in the dryer, as long as a low heat delicate cycle is set. Remove immediately when the program ends to avoid wrinkling. On the other hand, it can be dried in the open air, avoiding wire hangers.

6. Check and iron

If the garment was stained, it is necessary to check that the product has worked when washing and drying are finished. Then, it is possible to iron the gabardine at a low temperature and on the back of the fabric to avoid damaging it.

7. Save

The best way to store these garments once sanitized is hanging them on a hanger and protecting them with a sheet of paper.

What is trench coat and how to wash it in pants?

Almost all gabardine garments can be sanitized by these washing actions. This is a method that extends the useful life and quality of the fabric.

However, some manufacturers suggest washing black gabardine pants by hand, putting them in a bucket with cold water and laundry detergent. The garment should always be turned inside out to wash it on the back.

Avoid wrinkling inside the bucket and leave to soak for 40 minutes. Then he removes, rinses and hangs up. This is a specific method for the first washes when the garment is new. After that, it is possible to use the washing machine according to the steps described.

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