What is Twitter now? | Dynamics

by time news

SAN FRANCISCO: The world’s richest man Elon Musk has struck a deal to buy social media giant Twitter for Rs 3.39 trillion.
No one expected Elon Musk to end such a big deal so soon. It has happened so fast. Next, the question of what the Twitter company will be like is being raised on many levels.

‘Twitter has not fulfilled its potential to be a platform for free speech. ‘Therefore, it should be converted into a private company. I want to buy it for that ‘, Elon Musk recently announced.

Initially, Twitter management took steps such as the ‘Poison Bill’ to prevent him from acquiring Twitter. However, in a series of talks, it has now agreed to sell the company for Rs 3.39 lakh crore.


Following the sale, Twitter will become a private company, according to Twitter. The deal is expected to close by the end of the current year, however.
Next, the shareholders will need permission, even if the board of directors and Musk agree. In addition, regulatory bodies in the United States and other countries must issue permits. After that the contract is valid.
The good news for Musk is that everyone on the Twitter board is unanimously supporting the deal. After the acquisition of Twitter Musk, the expectation has arisen among investors and financial institutions that he will make various changes in it.

Stakeholders allowed

Investors are expected to turn Twitter into a subscriber-based business, rather than an ad-based business. Twitter’s annual meeting is set for May 25. A vote on the shareholders’ approval is expected to take place soon. But reports from People say that’s just what’s happening
Experts.Jack Dorsey, co-founder of Twitter, has expressed his disbelief that ‘Twitter can never be managed by an individual’.
Is. Let’s see from what’s happening this time around.

‘I will not come to Twitter’

Former US President Donald Trump’s account was permanently disabled last year after he posted hateful comments on Twitter, and has since launched his own social media site, Truth.
The question now is whether Trump will return to Twitter. In response, Trump said, “I hope Elon Musk, who buys Twitter, will improve it. He is a very good man. But I will never go back to Twitter.
I will use Truth Media, ”he said.

In the handover of Kathiduvitter by Barack Agarwal

However, the status of its current CEO, Barack Agarwal, is also in question.
Speaking to staff about the current change, Barak Agarwal said, ‘The future of Twitter is uncertain. In exchange, it is not known in which direction it will go. Opportunity to talk with Elon Musk
We will raise questions about this when it becomes available. ‘Perhaps if there is a change of management and Agarwal is fired within 12 months, he will get Rs 323 crore in compensation, according to a research firm.

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